12. Artist: It's a Beautiful Day
Låt: White Bird
Skiva: It's a Beautiful Day
Årtal: 1969
Kommentar: Amerikansk psych/pop från San Fransisco. Bortglömd pärla till platta med några riktiga superhits i bland andra It's a Beautiful Day och Hot Summer Day. Finns ALLTID billigt i backarna där ute. Köp! Ps. Deep Purple har hört Bombay Calling...Ds.

"Very much an album of it's time. This record evokes the spirit and sounds of the late 60's hippy era just before the decade ended. The psychedelic / trippy vibe is unmistakeable, but it is none the worse for that. A very easy on the ear album that can be played in it's entirety without skipping anything, in fact it is best heard from beginning to end to really soak up the atmosphere of that time gone by. From the opener "White Bird" to the final track "Time Is" and the Child In Time inspiring "Bombay Calling" inbetween, it is a "far out" experience man!" -Musicbeetle

13. Artist: The Golden Dawn
Låt: Starvation
Skiva: Power Plant
Årtal: 1967
Kommentar: Austin, Texas USA. Tidig jäkla psych. Jämförs ofta med 13 Floor Elevators och Roky. Mera garage/psych än Elevators imho. 

"A great, catchy, Elevators-esque album from these under appreciated Austin psych rockers. Evolution, Starvation, and My Time are all exceptional tracks. This record is one I keep coming back to. The band does not try to do too much, but what they do they do extremely well." -scfason

14. Artist: Morning Glory
Låt: Jelly Gas Flame
Skiva: Two Suns Worth
Årtal: 1967

Kommentar: Ännu ett psychband från San Fransisco.

In the spring of 1968, the group issued their sole LP titled 'Two Suns Worth' on the Fontana label. The album was engineered by John Cale and produced by Abe "Voco" Kesh (Blue Cheer). Most songs on the record were originals written by Bohanna with highlights that include 'So Glad Being Here' and the hypnotic 'I See The Light'. Unfortunately the LP didn't sell that well prompting the group to go their separate ways...-discogs 

"Blend Mamas and Papas, Jefferson airplane, Yankee Dollar, Peanut Butter conspiracy, add some bits of organ and you will have a vague idea of how this band sounded like. Totally amazing in my opinion and really underrated. I haven't found out the weak songs mentioned by other reviewers???" -GAZHOO117

15. Artist: Ultimate Spinach
Låt: Mind Flowers
Skiva: Behold & See
Årtal: 1968

Kommentar: Boston, USA. Bildat 1967. Släppte tre plattor mellan 1968-1969 för att sedan försvinna. Mästerligt band om du frågar mig. 

"A psychedelic rock masterpiece, a musical tour-de-force from 1968 and the second album from the Boston psychmasters. Weird song structures, off the wall lyrics, use of unusual instruments. Reverb, feedback, drone." -Fantasyman

16. Artist: The Velvet Underground & Nico
Låt: Venus in Furs
Skiva: The Velvet Underground & Nico
Årtal: 1967

Kommentar: Velvet Underground behöver ingen introduktion. Lou Reed, Nico, Andy Warhol, John Cale. Blablabla...

""Venus In Furs" is inspired by the novella of the same title, written and published by Austrian author Leopold von Sacher-Masoch in 1870. It tells the story of a man who wishes to be dominated and treated as a slave by the woman he loves. We get the word "masochism" from Sacher-Masoch's last name, and the entire practice of dominance and submission from this and the works of Marquis de Sade, a male author who wrote from the opposite position of dominating women and treating them as slaves." -songfacts.com

17. Artist: The Fugs
Låt: The Garden Is Open
Skiva: Tenderness Junction
Årtal: 1968


18. Artist: The Eyes of the Beacon Street Union
Låt: Green Destroys the Gold
Skiva: The Eyes of the Beacon Street Union
Årtal: 1968

Kommentar: Boston, USA. Bildade 1966. Släppte två plattor 1968. 

"All the hallmarks of the genre can be found in this record. It's filled with powerful drumming, piercing guitar leads, droning, hypnotic basslines, eerie organ fills and plaintive, expressive vocals and it rocks pretty convinvingly." -Purple_Daze

19. Artist: The Zombies
Låt: Hung Up On A Dream
Skiva: Odyssey and Oracle
Årtal: 1968

Kommentar: Brittisk psych i världsklass. Kanske en av de allra kändaste och bästa psychalbumen någonsin?

"Released in the UK in 1968, the album tanked and the group disbanded. It was Al Kooper who dug up the grave; the Blood Sweat & Tears founder was working for CBS Records in America and found the album on a trip to London. CBS released Odessey Stateside in 1969, and when a DJ in Boise started spinning "Time Of The Season," the album took off." -songfacts.com

20. Artist: Captain Beefheart and His Magic Band
Låt: Electricity
Skiva: Safe as Milk
Årtal: 1967


"While playing "Electricity" in a warm-up performance for the Monterey Pop Festival at the Fantasy Fair and Magic Mountain Music Festival at Mount Tamalpais in 1967, Beefheart stopped the song, straightened his tie, and walked off the stage, landing face flat into the grass. He later claimed that he saw a girl in the audience turn into a goldfish. This caused guitarist Ry Cooder to immediately quit the Magic Band because he couldn't deal with Beefheart's unpredictability..." -wikipedia

21. Artist: Gandalf
Låt: Nature Boy
Skiva: Gandalf
Årtal: 1969

Kommentar: Massor av kanonlåtar här, men Nature Boy, Hang on to a Dream och Can You Travel in the Dark Alone är några av favoriterna.

"This is late period, super dreamy sike from Jersey! Gandalf sounds a bit like if Nick Drake were in the Zombies, but where Nick Drake can be uplifting and the Zombies' always turn your frown upside down, Gandalf instills a terse, creepy tense sense of melancholy." -jivetime  


22. Artist: Panta Rei
Låt: The Turk
Skiva: Panta Rei
Årtal: 1973

Kommentar: I ärlighetens namn mer prog/worldmusic/anatolirock än psych, men låten är fasen så flippad att den blir psykedelisk. Mästerligt i varje fall från svenska Panta Rei. Tokdyr platta på original, men väl värt några tusenlappar för det fantastiska omslaget. Sen The Turk som en smakbrytare i denna lista som för det mesta är amerikansk.

"Uppsala-based Psych/Prog band, formed by guitarist Thomas Arnesen.As a dual guitar/bass/drums quintet with Georg Trolin as the lead singer they released this highly collectable album in 1973, which ranges from powerful, complex, rhythmic exercises ala early Focus to sweet and pastoral Psychedelic Rock (with flutist Gunnar Lindqvist as a guest) to jazzier experiments with sax, scratching electric leads and a few more mellow passages." -apps79