Best of Kyuss
Kyuss bästa låtar enligt mig:
Max tre låtar per album.
Minst en låt per album.
Ordning=Noga genomtänkt, men ej rangordnad.
Kommentarer: The godfathers of stoner. Bandet som alla nya och gamla band vill låta som. Brant Bjork, Josh Homme, Nick Olivieri och John Garcia utgör Kyuss. Samtliga medlemmar har senare gjort grymma solokarriärer. Queens of the Stone Age, Brant Bjork, Stöner, Desert Sessions, Mondo Generator, Eagles of Death Metal, Them Crooked Vultures, Fu Manchu, Hermano och Slo Burn är bara några av banden som dessa stoner-gudar producerat efter Kyuss.
1. Låt: Thee Ol' Boozeroony
Skiva: ...And the Circus Leaves Town
Årtal: 1995
Kommentar: Kyuss kastade in handduken efter fyra album. ...And the Circus Leaves Town blev deras sista album. Alfredo Hernandez från Across the river/Yawning Man lirar trummor efter att Brant Bjork lämnat bandet efter inspelningen av Kyuss (Welcome to Sky Valley). Soundet på ...And the Circus Leaves Town är rakare, med kortare låtar och något sämre låtmaterial än tidigare. Det känns som om Kyuss visste att det var över under inspelningen av denna platta. Det finns dock en del riktigt bra låtar här. One Inch Man, Thee Ol' Boozeroony, Phototropic, El Rodeo, Jumbo Blimp Jumbo, Size Queen och Spaceship Landing.
2. Låt: Gardenia
Skiva: Kyuss (Welcome to Sky Valley)
Årtal: 1994
Kommentar: Smack! Gardenia mördar som öppning på Kyuss (Welcome to Sky Valley). Nick Olivieri har lämnat. Han var inte ens med i videon till Green Machine från Blues For The Red Sun. Scott Reeder ersätter. Låten N.O. är en cover av Scott Reeders tidigare band Across the River. Plattan skulle bli trummisen Brant Bjorks sista med Kyuss. Den enda låten har skrivit är inledande Gardenia. Plattan var tänkt att släppas redan 1993, men p.g.a. diverse strul med konkande skivbolag m.m. släpptes den inte förrän sommaren -94.
""Creatively, I felt completely welcome from day one. Josh and I threw a lot of 'Space Cadet' together the very first day we jammed. We had Pete Moffet from Wool and Government Issue come in and play on that one, coz' Brant quit after he finished his parts.
Kyuss was just the same old standard guitar, bass and drums with a singer. Same thing that's been done a million times, but there was some intangible thing about it that struck a nerve with a lot of people that heard it. There was just something about the combination of personalities pushing and pulling, churning out this weird sound. We were pretty inconsistent live, but when we were on, I don't think there was a band on the planet that could touch us. I think everyone was really protective of what we had. We sensed that something special was going on, and we were really paranoid about the industry trying fuck to things up. We turned down a lot of things that most bands would've killed for. I think we were a little too paranoid, sometimes." -Scott Reeder
3. Låt: Writhe
Skiva: Blues For The Red Sun
Årtal: 1992
Kommentar: "In my opinion, Blues was a natural progression from Wretch. We were older, wiser more confident. In a lot of ways we had nothing left to prove. We just got stoned, drank some wine and jammed.
Chris Goss was there from the beginning. We would play some little bar in Hollywood in front of nine people and two of them would be Chris and his wife Cynthia. When our label gave us the go-ahead to do Blues we of course asked Chris to help us capture our sound and get it moving in a natural direction.
He helped us with our confidence to evolve. Not to question our natural instincts. Blues was the result. Recorded and mixed in something like three weeks. We went in and rocked. We would listen to all playbacks on the biggest speakers as loud as possible. We knew we were creating something beautiful." -Brant Bjork
4. Låt: Demon Cleaner
Skiva: Kyuss (Welcome to Sky Valley)
Årtal: 1994
Kommentar: "Brant Bjork selected the name (Kyuss) from the undead monster found in the 1st edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game book Fiend Folio." -riffpedia
"Kyuss replaces the Satan and goat head imagery one might expect from an album sounding this heavy with Area 51 imagery. If Spock had been a stoned out headbanging teenager in 1994, Welcome to Sky Valley would have been the album he'd have been blasting from his Camaro." -atomicWedgie
5. Låt: Green Machine
Skiva: Blues For The Red Sun
Årtal: 1992
Kommentar: "Then came Kyuss. They blew in from the California desert, dusty and red-eyed, at the tail-end of the 80s. They were fortified by punk, like the kids in Seattle, and got turned on to ZZ Top, Black Sabbath and mid-70s funk by their big brothers and sisters. Despite their almost instant reputation as in-the-know proto-metal revivalists, Kyuss were not the cook kids. They didn't care about clothes or scoring chicks or throwing parties on yachts, they just liked to smoke a little weed and play loud, groovy rock music. And stringy-haired slackers everywhere rejoiced anew." -Loudersound
6. Låt: (Beginning of What's About To Happen) Hwy 74
Skiva: Wretch
Årtal: 1991
Kommentar: Underskattad platta där varenda jäkla låt är kanon. Plattan börjar med fantastiska (Beginning of What's About To Happen) Hwy 74, fortsätter med lika fantastiska Love Has Passed Me By, Son Of A Bitch och Black Widow. I'm Not, Big Bikes, Stage III och The Law är också låtar som är kanon. Bandet hette Katzenjammer (bakis) innan de bytte namn till Sons Of Kyuss som senare förkortades till Kyuss.
"Back then we were pretty bitter about playing in the desert, because we were growing up in Southern California but we weren't at the beach. I know everybody thinks the desert is cool and hip now, but back in the day it sucked. It was horrible. It was hot and boring and there was nothing to do. It was a wasteland." -Brant Bjork
7. Låt: Size Queen
Skiva: ...And the Circus Leaves Town
Årtal: 1995
Kommentar: Homme styrde Kyuss med järnhand. På många låtar hör vi soundet som skulle bli Queens of the stone age. Lyssna bara på fantastiska Size Queen så förstår du varför.
"a horrible fucking record to make...Josh and I were clashing all the time and had creative differences" -John Garcia
8. Låt: Thumb
Skiva: Blues For The Red Sun
Årtal: 1992
Kommentar: Det fullkomligen kryllar av fantastiska låtar här. Bandet har hittat sitt sound som alla stoner-band sedan dess försökt att plagiera. Thumb, Green Machine, 50 Million Year Trip (Upside Down), Thong Song, Apothecaries' Weight, Freedom Run, Writhe, Allen's Wrench och Mondo Generatori. Fullkomligt omöjligt att bara välja tre låtar härifrån, men jag gjorde i varje fall ett försök. Inte ett dåligt spår här. En av världens bästa skivor. Kyuss bästa!
"The opening drone to 'Thumb' on Kyuss' second album, 1992's Blues for the Red Sun almost sounds like the aural equivalent of a desert mirage. You could picture the somnambulant hum being penetrated by a Chevrolet Caprice shrieking through the dustbowl screaming about bat country, or the staggering footsteps of Harry Dean Stanton in a cracking dogeared baseball cap, but instead, you get the slow slutty guitar lick of Josh Homme and find yourself embalmed in the miasma of sultry hot desert air all the same." -faroutmagazine
9. Låt: The Law
Skiva: Wretch
Årtal: 1991
Kommentar: "First thing you notice is that the production sucks balls. Who are these crap producers that kill decent albums by making them sound dull and flat? I mean when you here this everyone can tell something is wrong. You can hear that some of these songs are actually pretty good, if only you could be in the same room as the band, not listening behind the window." -HichamVanborm
10. Låt: Un Sandpiper
Skiva: Muchas Gracias: The Best of Kyuss
Årtal: 2000
Kommentar: B-sida från singeln Gardenia. Finns några andra coola låtar i Fatso Forgotso, A Day Early and a Dollar Extra och Shine.
11. Låt: I'm Not
Skiva: Wretch
Årtal: 1991
Kommentar: Wretch innehåller fem låtar från debuten Sons of Kyuss (finns ej på Spotify). Av dessa är Black Widow klart bäst och den var väldigt nära att hamna på denna best of. Soundet på Wretch är mera åt hårdrockshållet, influerat av bland annat Soundgarden. De hade inte riktigt hittat sitt egna sound även om det kan höras fragment på det som skulle bli stoner med hela världen. på låtar som Low, (Beginning of What's About To Happen) Hwy 74 , Son Of A Bitch och Black Widow.
12. Låt: Freedom Run - Live
Skiva: Muchas Gracias: The Best of Kyuss
Årtal: 2000
Kommentar: In 2000, a compilation album, Muchas Gracias: The Best of Kyuss, was released. The album is a collection of the band's singles, as well as B-sides and live material. Although Kyuss left behind some "rarities", many of them were released on Muchas Gracias, and further releases from the band appear unlikely.
Skiva: Kyuss (Welcome to Sky Valley)
Årtal: 1994
Kommentar: Plattan släpptes på cd med 3 låtar plus en gömd. På vinyl släpptes skivan med upphackade låtar p.g.a. de inte rymdes. T.ex. så är början på låt 3 sista spår på Sida B istället för först på sida C. Där var låtarna 10 stycken istället för 4. Kyuss (Welcome to Sky Valley) är inte fylld med hit-låtar på samma sätt som Blues For The Red Sun, men är fullkomligt magisk ändå såklart. Space Cadet är skriven av Josh Homme och nya basisten, Scott Reeder. Andra bra låtar är Gardenia, Odyssey, Asteroid, Supa Scoopa and Mighty Scoop, Asteroid och Whitewater.
"Waiting is hard
Fucking takes so long
Draped in sun - hands in sand
Earth acid cleanses me, cleanses me clean
But the world, it never comes" -Space Cadet
14. Låt: Mudfly
Skiva: Muchas Gracias: The Best of Kyuss
Årtal: 2000
Kommentar: Best of-ish (saknas ett gäng låtar) plus b-sidor och live-spår. Mudfly skriker QOTSA och är från b-sidan på singeln One Inch Man
15. Låt: Spaceship Landing
Skiva: ...And the Circus Leaves Town
Årtal: 1995
Kommentar: "While recording Circus soooooo much money was just getting thrown out the window. We were in one of the most expensive studios in Hollywood just for recording overdubs. People running around to get you food, cigarettes, anything you wanted. We could've been in a smaller place with a couple of good microphone preamps, got the mix done in the expensive place, and we would've all walked away with a bunch of money, but it just got blown. Stupid.
There was also a bit of bickering going on, and I was pretty stressed. Too many weird vibes. It wasn't the way things are supposed to be. And I had this crazy idea that you should actually be able to hear the bass! A lot of the stuff had to get remixed because the bass was almost inaudible when you got it outside that studio. I'd been worried about it the whole time. Everybody was a little too stoned, I guess. We had Keith Richard's bong in the studio – that was pretty cool. Made for a lot of wasted time, though. No pun intended!" Scott Reeder