Moloken-Unveilance of dark matter

Moloken-Unvecilance of Dark Matter
Rating: 7 out of 10
Swedish sluggers Moloken are back with a new album called "Unveilance of Dark Matter". This, their fourth album, is heavy, post metal, doomy and progressive all at the same time.
Brothers Kristoffer and Nicklas Bäckström share vocals as per usuall, with Kristoffer being the more desperate and despair-sounding of the two. They are joined by drummer Jacob Burstedt and guitarist Patrik Ylmefors.
Moloken(meaning downhearted in english) describe their music as experimental and progressive heavy music
inspired by 90's death, doom, black metal and progressive rock from the 70's. People tend to compare them to "Cult of Luna", mostly because they have the northern capital of Umeå as their hometurf, but also in the heavyness and darkness of their music. It is much more than that though.
"Unveilance of Dark Matter" starts of with two heavy and attack-minded tracks were Moloken shows of their more desperate and aggressive side to songwriting.
Check out the video for "Surcease" here:
Third song "Shadowcastle pt 1", gets you into the more progressive, dissonant and uneasy side of Moloken, something that I have grown to like about their music and it is also something that I think makes their music stand out from other post metal/rock bands.
"No ease, no rest" is a beautiful interlude on piano ending in another progressive tune called "Hollow Caress". Most of the song is instrumental and challenges the minds of the hardcore post metal fans. The song progresses through noteworthy and engaging musical passes, gradually escalating and intensifying with some dissonant riffing, to finally end in a last half-minute distressful and painful vocal cry.
The heavyness and immense intensity is cleverly downscaled by interludes such as "Repressed", "One Last Breath" and also with the ending of the song "Lingering Demise". It makes for a perfect disruption and is a smart idea and a well needed ear-rest for the listeners, mearly because this is an intense album.
Without these short cuts on the album to recover, I think the intensivity would overtake and make the album to powerful to endure. It is kind of like the feeling I have for fellow Umeå-band Meshuggah. It just gets to intense and musical interludes or breaks are a necessity, if you don't want your brain melted.
The album continues with the second single from the album called "Unbearable".
Check out the official video created by artist Costin Chioreanu here:
Anyways the album ends in a perfect way, with the title song of the album, a bulldozer of a fast, progressive thrash song with ripping, desperate vocals combined with the fantastic interplay of drummer Jacob Burstedt and basist Nicklas Bäckström.
Or get your copy on cd or vinyl now! Out now!
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Beautiful cover work by: Costin Chioreanu-Twilight 13 Media
Released by: Temple Of Torturous (EU & US)and Perennity Records (Scandinavia)
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