Coheed and Cambria

Max tre låtar per album.
Minst en låt per album.
Ordning=Väl vald, men som vanligt EJ rangordnad.
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7JjhhSeJeAqUqKHy0BK1HV?si=8725e076321845d9&pt=99f4744b8156e26d3b4e5ce1d216ef94
"The band's name derives from a series science fiction comics written by frontman Claudio Sanchez titled The Amory Wars. Coheed and Cambria are the first names of the story's two heroes, whose story is used as a narrative for each of the group's albums. They chose the name during a 1998 trip to Paris." -hollywoodreporter.com
1. Låt: In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3
Skiva: In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3
Årtal: 2003
Kommentar: En av Coheed and Cambrias allra bästa låtar!
2. Låt: Key Entity Extraction IV: Evagria the Faithful
Skiva: The Afterman: Ascension
Årtal: 2012
"The two records tell the story of Sirius Amory, a scientist who discovers an energy force holding together the Keywork (the 78 planets in which the Amory Wars is set) and finds that it is in fact a horrible afterlife for departed souls." -songfacts.com
3. Låt: Welcome Home
Skiva: Good Apollo I'm Burning Star IV: Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness
Årtal: 2005
"The story of Good Apollo takes a step outside the science fiction narrative of the first three chapters and examines the life of The Writer, a character who is crafting the lives of the protagonist Claudio and his companions in the form of a fictional story. Through a series of delusional conversations with his ten speed bicycle about an unfaithful former lover, The Writer decides he must kill the Prise Ambellina to properly end his story."
Den komplicerade röda tråden trasslar in sig allt mer. Helt plötsligt handlar historien om författaren av själva storyn(Sångaren och låtskrivaren Claudio Sanchez hade precis blivit dumpad av sin fru och var något fragil). Hänger du med?
4. Key Entity Extraction V: Sentry the Defiant
Skiva: The Afterman: Descension
Årtal: 2013
Kommentar: Key Entity Extraction V: Sentry the Defiant, The Hard Sell, Gravity's Union, 2's My Favourite 1 och Dark Side of Me. Det är hög klass på Coheed and Cambrias plattor!
5. Låt: Time Consumer
Skiva: The Second Stage Turbine Blade
Årtal: 2002
Kommentar: Coheed and Cambria släppte ett gäng album med en episk och invecklad sci-fi-historia som sammanknöt dem alla. Likt Star Wars började de inte från början av sagan utan debuten The Second Stage Turbine Blade är den tredje delen av sagan om Coheed och Cambria. Den första delen heter The Afterman och släpptes först år 2012 och The Year of the Black Rainbow som släpptes 2010. Det finns både seriealbum och en bok om Coheed and Cambria. De heter Amory wars.
6. Låt: Mother Superior
Skiva: Good Apollo I'm Burning Star IV: Volume Two: No World for Tomorrow
Årtal: 2007
After Coheed drummer Josh Eppard left the group, Taylor Hawkins (Foo Fighters) filled the void for the band's 2007 album, Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume Two: No World For Tomorrow. Eppard's replacement Chris Pennie wrote the drum parts, but contractual issues related to Pennie's previous band Dillinger Escape Plan prevented him from recording at the time. Hawkins also toured with Coheed for a time after the album's release. -billboard.com
"Amory wars is the amor y wars which makes it love and war." -1amgTfnc-Brndnw
7. Låt: Key Entity Extraction I: Domino the Destitute
Skiva: The Afterman: Ascension
Årtal: 2012
Kommentar: Key Entity Extraction I: Domino the Destitute, The Afterman, Mothers of Men, Goodnight, Fair Lady (Thin Lizzy!), Key Entity Extraction II: Holly Wood the Cracked, Key Entity Extraction IV: Evagria the Faithful och Subtraction är kanon!
8. Låt: Devil In Jersey City
Skiva: The Second Stage Turbine Blade
Årtal: 2002
Kommentar: Debuten med Coheed and Cambria skäms inte för sig med ett knippe kanonlåtar i bland andra: Time Consumer, Devil In Jersey City, Everything Evil, Delirium Trigger, Neverender och God Send Cospirator. Hur fasen kan inte Delirium Trigger platsa här?
9. Låt: Atlas
Skiva: The Color Before the Sun
Årtal: 2015
Coheed and Cambria är alltid bra. Här är de dock mindre bra. Klassisk 2.5 av 5-platta. Colors, Here to Mars, Atlas, The Audience och Peace to the Mountain är bra låtar!
"The decision to stray may have taken some of our heavy-duty, cult following fans by surprise, for sure," he said, adding that most of the group's core fans stuck by them during this departure from their signature sound. "Every Coheed record is very different, though, and with every record we try to throw a curveball at them. With this one, it's the lyrics, because it's coming from a real-life standpoint." om The Color Before the Sun
10. Låt: Everything Evil
Skiva: The Second Stage Turbine Blade
Årtal: 2002
Kommentar: Spoiler*
Coheed and Cambria är gifta med varandra. De lever i en diktatorisk värld och deras barn blir mördade. De beger sig ut för att ta reda på vem som kan tänkas ha mördat dem, men inser att de själva blivit ilurade att världen kommer gå under i ett virus om de inte mördar sina egna barn. När de inser att de blivit lurade beger de sig på en killing spree, bara för att bli tillfångatagna och förvandlade till vad som kan jämföras med djävulen och gud. Gud (Cambria) dödar djävulen (Coheed), men när hon inser att hon mördat sin man och att han mördat deras barn tar hon sitt egna liv och hennes kropp sprängs och ger på sätt liv till vårt solsystem. Typ.
11. Låt: The Hard Sell
Skiva: The Afterman: Descension
Årtal: 2013
"Back in 2012, actor Mark Walhberg took an interest in Coheed and Cambria and The Amory Wars. Teaming up with fellow producer Stephen Levinson, Walhberg enlisted the help of Leverage Production company to bring the story to the screen. Claudio Sanchez described the story to The Hollywood Reporter. "I think the story is pretty universal in terms of the themes and the subplots. I think people can find a character they can connect to or find as their favorite," he said of the project. "And they can get behind the main character as well. It's a universal story and I think it's going to draw a bigger audience than just the band's. I think it has already."
Unfortunately, though, production stalled over the ensuing years with Wahlberg giving a brief update in a video for GQ on the project in 2017. Stating that he has "no news on the status yet" and has remained mum on the project ever since. -grunge.com
12. Låt: The Dark Sentencer
Skiva: Vaxis – Act I: The Unheavenly Creatures
Årtal: 2018
13. Låt: Ten Speed (Of God's Blood & Burial)
Skiva: Good Apollo I'm Burning Star IV: Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness
Årtal: 2005
Kommentar: På The Suffering blir influenserna väldigt hörbara. Från Phil Lynotts fraseringar i Thin Lizzy, till Ken Hensley i Uriah Heeps glada synthhopp, Taylor Hawkings i Foo Fighters tighta trumspel, de avancerade gitarr och bas-spelet och intrikata i sången som svarar varann i underbar symbios till Claudios Geddy Lee-klara stämma. Fantastiskt!
"I think I was calling this a pop hunk and an illegitimate lovechild of Michael Jackson and Geddy Lee. This was the ooh factor I used to not get embarrassed by a polarizing and out-of-this-world rock monolith like Coheed & Cambria a happy ten years after their most image-receptive release. There's nothing to be embarrassed about here. All the intensity of the things you can't say at an age no one wants to be. Just, sci-fi edition." -bedroomAOR
14. Låt: The Hound (Of Blood and Rank)
Skiva: Good Apollo I'm Burning Star IV: Volume Two: No World for Tomorrow
Årtal: 2007
"Respektlöst lyckas ensemblen mästra ett minerat ingenmansland mellan Rush och My Chemical Romance och dansa jenka på tänkta begränsningar. Balansen mellan gammalt och nytt är därmed särdeles god, och i denna inramning känns inte ens den avslutande "The end complete"-kvintetten speciellt skäggig." -Mattias Kling, Aftonbladet.
The Dark Sentencer, Unheavenly Creatures, True Ugly, Love Protocol, Night-Time Walkers, The Gutter, Lucky Stars är bra låtar, men skivan når inte samma höjder som de allra bästa plattorna med Coheed and Cambria.
15. Låt: Beautiful Losers
Skiva: Vaxis II: A Window of the Waking Mind
Årtal: 2022
"If The Embers of Fire was the Big Bang of an opener then this song is like the asteroid that caused the ice age on earth because my god is this such a banger. How the song just builds and builds to some amazing choruses and melodic changes is just super good." -Dapper-Blueberries
16. Låt: The Crowing
Skiva: In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3
Årtal: 2003
"Ten years after "Second Stage Turbine Blade", son Claudio emerges from the depths of Shylos Ten, the Fence's "quiet" planet where the Red Army performs its brutal interrogations and imprisonments. In finding out that his entire family has been murdered, Claudio begins his quest for vendetta." -wiki
"This song is entirely about Claudio Kilgannon who by this time has grown into a man, albeit a troubled one, as he struggles with his role in this story." -ghansgraad.fandom.com
17. Låt: Here We Are Juggernaut
Skiva: Year of the Black Rainbow
Årtal: 2010
Coheed and Cambria goes progmetal med industrisound? Year of the Black Rainbow är mörkare, svårare, hårdare, mindre catchy, ojämnare, progigare än tidigare, annorlunda på alla sätt och vis. Bandet försöker vara nyskapande, åtminstone kring hur de själva låter och det känns som att melodiskapandet får stå tillbaka litegrann för att istället låta smutsigare och mera industri. The Broken, Here We Are Juggernaut, Far, World of Lines, When Skeletons Live och The Black Rainbow
visar vart något sorts skåp ska stå i varje fall...Klart sämst hittills i diskografin.
"Efter att ha nått någon slags tillgänglighetstopp i och med "No world for tomorrow" så guidar New Jerseytruppen nu lyssnaren utmed desto mer krävande stigar. Inte nog med att albumet utgör en konceptuell prolog till den tidigare diskografin, det offentliggör också gruppens trilsknaste material på länge. Den mer utmanande inramningen får emellertid de fylliga refrängerna att ta ett steg tillbaka. Det gör också att materialet mer smyger sig på än direktträffar med överväldigande kraft. Den svarta regnbågen är därför spännande att följa, men vid dess slut finns dessvärre ingen bytta guld." -Mattias Kling, Aftonbladet
"Beneath the veneer of baffling musicality, it's evident there's nothing new under the sun, no matter what galaxy you're in." -theguardian.com
18. Låt: The Afterman
Skiva: The Afterman: Ascension
Årtal: 2012
"C&C bassist Michael Todd walked into a pharmacy and handed over a note saying that he had a bomb in his possession and if they didn't give him prescription painkillers then he, they and the painkillers would be blown sky high. He was tailed by the cops, and arrested back at the venue as the band waited to sound-check for that night's show. He is now awaiting trial for armed robbery.
For their part, the band retreated, re-hired original drummer Josh Eppard, who left the band in 2006 due to his ongoing battle with drugs, opted out of their record deal and went back to what they did before The Amory Wars went worldwide; made music for themselves." -loudersound.com
"We were on tour and I saw police officers gathered around our bus – some were even going through my comics! Unfortunately, Mike was a drug addict and we knew what we were getting into when we brought him back. There were moments he was relapsing and we knew something was going to happen." -Claudio Sanchez
19. Låt: Blood Red Summer
Skiva: In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3
Årtal: 2003
Kommentar: In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3, The Crowing, Three Evils (Embodied in Love and Shadow), Blood Red Summer, The Camper Velourium III Al the Killer, A Favor House Atlantic och The Light & the Glass är grymt bra låtar.
20. Låt: The Willing Well IV- The Final Cut
Skiva: Good Apollo I'm Burning Star IV: Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness
Årtal: 2005
Kommentar: Welcome Home, Ten Speed (Of God's Blood & Burial), The Suffering, Wake Up, Crossing the Frame, Apollo I: The Writing Writer och den avslutande The Willing Well
III - Apollo II: The Telling Truth och The Willing Well IV- The Final Cut. En riktig mördarplatta!
21. Låt: Dark Side of Me
Skiva: The Afterman: Descension
Årtal: 2013
"Coheed and Cambria have been melting faces for a couple of decades now. The Nyack, New York-based band's core lineup of Claudio Sanchez on vocals, guitars, and keyboards as well as Travis Stever on guitars and vocals has remained largely unchanged since the 1990s, even as other members have come and gone..." -grunge.com
22. Låt: No World for Tomorrow
Skiva: Good Apollo I'm Burning Star IV: Volume Two: No World for Tomorrow
Årtal: 2007
Kommentar: No World for Tomorrow, The Hound (Of Blood and Rank), Mother Superior, Gravemakers & Gunslingers, Feathers, The Running Free, Justice in Murder. Soundet är något mera polerat och radiovänligt, men vad gör mera trallvänliga refränger för ont? Om sanningen ska fram finns det nog inte ett enda dåligt spår här. No World for Tomorrow är en kanonplatta rakt igenom. Iron Maiden känns nära i sound på flera låtar, lyssna t.ex. på solot i Feathers eller låten The Hound (Of Blood and Rank) och introt till Gravemakers & Gunslingers. Eller varför inte känslan av att vilja göra en ny The Spirit Goes On (Dream Theater) på The Road and the Damned?
"Coheed started off as this pseudo-emo, pseudo-prog band where you could smell the cheese and dorkiness that laid under their guitar work and lyricism. With that accounted for they still had a charm that was pretty well respected, to some degree, for what it was. Yet after their pretty well structured deebutt, as they continued their path to progdom by making their albums as polished and as cheesy as can be. This eventually lead up to a double album that is either loved or hated by both fans of the band and general music fans because its a bit too thought out for its own good, and also because its a double album and some would say those are plagued from the start." -viralrak
"the final installment of the saga (in which the world ends and everyone dies)..."
23. Låt: 2's My Favourite 1
Skiva: The Afterman: Descension
Årtal: 2013
24. Låt: Window of the Waking Wind
Skiva: Vaxis II: A Window of the Waking Mind
Årtal: 2022
Så här skrev jag på min best of 2022 och det stämmer nog fortfarande väldigt bra:
"Varför är det här så ointressant? Med en rad intressanta släpp bakom sig såsom III, IV, V, Ascension, Descension finns knappt något intressant kvar. Första genomlyssningen stör jag mig på att det mest bjuds på andrasorteringens pop. Inte mycket till fantasi egentligen. Åtminstone inte förrän i slutet av plattan där det äntligen händer grejer. Från och med låt nummer nio Bad Man spärras mina öron upp lite extra, men det är först på de tre sista låtarna som det verkligen dyker upp något värt mödan. Ladders of Supremacy, Rise, Niainasha (Cut The Cord) och Window of the Waking Wind förtjänar ett eget släpp. Det är det Coheed & Cambria som jag älskar. Progressivt, mindre popigt, längre låtar, bättre melodier och hårdare gitarrer. 6/10"
Beautiful Losers, Ladders of Supremacy, Rise, Niainasha (Cut The Cord) och Window of the Waking Wind är bra låtar!
1. Good Apollo I'm Burning Star IV: Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness
2. Good Apollo I'm Burning Star IV: Volume Two: No World for Tomorrow
3. In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3
4. The Afterman: Ascension
5. The Second Stage Turbine Blade
6. The Afterman: Descension
7. Vaxis II: A Window of the Waking Mind
8. Vaxis – Act I: The Unheavenly Creatures
9. The Color Before the Sun
10. Year of the Black Rainbow
Jag har sett Coheed and Cambria live en gång. Då bjöds vi på denna setlist:
- Always and Never
- Apollo I: The Writing Writer
- Crossing the Frame
- Delirium Trigger
- Devil in Jersey City
- In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3
- Island
- Keeping the Blade
- Mother May I
- Once Upon Your Dead Body
- Ten Speed (Of God's Blood and Burial)
- The Lying Lies & Dirty Secrets of Miss Erica Court
- The Suffering
- The Willing Well I: Fuel for the Feeding End
- The Willing Well II: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness
- The Willing Well III: Apollo II: The Telling Truth
- The Willing Well IV: The Final Cut
- Wake Up
- Welcome Home