Kiss bästa låtar - utifrån en nybörjares perspektiv
Max tre låtar per album.
Minst en låt per album.
Ordning: Noga genomtänkt, men ej rangordnad.
Spotifylista: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6pWrEDZfu5tprN577d4hvM?si=487fc3c4aa0b48bc&pt=4a66dc5edf4069eff9c36ce233f5dfc4
Ibland undrar jag vad fan jag sysslar med. Att skriva om 400 plattor släppta under samma år, försöka rangordna dem och göra någon sorts spellista må vara dåraktigt nog, men ibland tar jag mig vatten över huvudet. Som den här gången när jag av någon konstig jäkla anledning bestämt mig för att ge mig på bandet Kiss, ett band som jag inte har någon som helst relation till. Visst har jag hört hitsen, men det har ju å andra sidan alla gjort.
"Kiss första spelning ägde rum den 30 januari 1973 på en rocksylta i stadsdelen Queens i New York – inför sex personer. Bandet såg ut som en halvtaskig New York Dolls-kopia och lät troligen inget vidare heller." -gp.se
Best of Kiss (utifrån en nybörjares störda hjärna). Enjoy!
1. Låt: Deuce
Skiva: KISS
Årtal: 1974
Kommentar: "'Deuce' was written in my head on a bus. I heard the lick, the riff, the melody, the whole thing. 'Deuce' was written on a bass. It was a very linear song. As soon as the riff came, the first verse came, then I wrote the bridge, and then I wrote the chorus. We arranged it right on the spot and knew that it would be a staple for years. In fact, when we first went on tour with our first record, it was the opening song of the show and we would come back for encores and not have any songs left and do 'Deuce' again. Then if we got a second encore we would do 'Deuce' again. Lyrically, I had no idea what I was talking about. Sometimes stuff means a lot, sometimes it means nothing." -Gene Simmons
"The beginning of the song was me ripping off the Raspberries. The beginning of 'Deuce,' the thing that starts it off, is me, bastardizing 'Go All The Way.'" -Paul Stanley
"It's my favorite KISS song. When I auditioned for KISS, they said, "We're going to play you a song for you to listen to, and then try playing along. The song was 'Deuce,' and they played it as a three-piece and the song was in the key of 'A.' I thought, 'That's easy enough,' so I got up and wailed for four minutes playing lead work over it." -Ace Frehley
2. Låt: Watchin' You
Skiva: Hotter Than Hell
Årtal: 1974
Kommentar: Jämnare än debuten. Got to Choose, Parasite, Goin' Blind, Hotter Than Hell, Watchin' You, Mainline är finfina låtar.
"One of only three songs (the others are "Black Diamond" and "Deuce") on the KISS demo that were performed by Kiss at their first ever show at The Coventry on January 30, 1973. Written by Gene Simmons, the song was based on some of the riffs in Jeff Beck's "Rock Me Baby." However, according to Gene, "The riff that introduces the song is really a passing guitar lick I rearranged from 'Mississippi Queen' by Mountain"" -kissmonster.com
3. Låt: Exciter
Skiva: Lick It Up
Årtal: 1983
Surrender to me, I'll guarantee You'll pray that the night never ends Come play the game, this is my name Exciter...
4. Låt: Naked City
Skiva: Unmasked
Årtal: 1980
Kommentar: Kiss slänger sminket och glömmer bort hur man skriver låtar. Skämt åsido finns det två bra låtar här. Is That You? och Naked City. Naked City är en banger! Annars är det faktiskt hela otroligt hur man lyckas gå från en så bra skiva (Dynasty) till en så dålig (Unmasked).
5. Låt: Love Her All I Can
Skiva: Dressed to Kill
Årtal: 1975
Kommentar: Denna brottar-hit, skriven av Paul Stanley kan vara min absoluta favoritlåt med Kiss. Här bjuder jag på en cover-version med Jesper Binzer (D-A-D) på sång och Ryan Roxie (Alice Cooper) på gitarr tillsammans med medlemmar från Bonafide, Velvet Insane och Electric Boys:
6. Låt: Sure Know Something - Live
Skiva: Greatest Kiss
Årtal: 1997
Kommentar: "This was another chart-hitting song from the group when they were at their peak. It's about a young guy who is overwhelmed by the woman he lost his virginity to." -songfacts.com
7. Låt: I'll fight hell to hold you
Skiva: Crazy Nights
Årtal: 1987
Kommentar: Nestor har lyssnat och snott. Satan så bra!
8. Låt: Goin' Blind
Skiva: Hotter Than Hell
Årtal: 1974
Avdelningen WTF:
You're much younger, can't you see
There is nothing more for you and I
I'm 93, you're sixteen
And I think I'm goin' blind
9. Låt: Flaming Youth
Skiva: Destroyer
Årtal: 1976
Kommentar: Detroit Rock City, King of the Night Time World, Flaming Youth, Shout It Out Loud, Beth, Do You Love Me är bra låtar.
"Ezrin said, 'What have you got? Let's put some pieces together.' Because usually, when you write a song by yourself, a verse could be good or a bridge could be good, and the idea is to put together a Frankenstein of body parts of songs," Simmons said. "I had a song called 'Mad Dog' … and that's where the riff came from. Somehow the lyric was tossed around between all of us, and Ezrin put all the parts together." -Gene Simmons
10. Låt: Cold Gin
Skiva: KISS
Årtal: 1974
"Ace [Frehley] brought in 'Cold Gin.' When we first heard it I remember being struck by that great opening guitar riff, which was the basis of the song. The problem we had with it was that after the verse and chorus, it didn't seem to go anywhere. It was an unfinished idea. I suggested a section in the middle of the song that became the riff part of the song. It changed the song from an 'A' voicing to a riff section in the key of 'G' and kept ascending up the scale until it finally wound up in an 'E.' Paul suggested a couple of arrangement modifications in the song, and presto, 'Cold Gin,' the complete song. I insisted that Ace should sing the song, but he refused and said that he preferred I sing it. The original version of the song as recorded on the first Kiss demo, changed very slightly through the years and was to remain a staple of our live concerts to this day." -Gene Simmons
11. Låt: Calling Dr. Love
Skiva: Rock and Roll Over
Årtal: 1976
Kommentar: Hoppla. Här var det ojämnt värre. Albumet börjar med tre bra låtar, följt av tre sämre, sen bättre igen med Mr. Speed. Hard Luck Woman skulle få Rod Stewart på fall, men inte mig. När jag läst på litegrann verkar det som jag var helt rätt ute. Den var tänkt för Rod, men när Beth blev en sådan succé beslöt de sig för att behålla den själva. Makin' Love är nice också och höjer plattan ännu ett snäpp.
12. Låt: Charisma
Skiva: Dynasty
Årtal: 1979
Kommentar: "Kiss är mer än ett band – det är en livsstil och en filosofi. Jag brukar säga att band gör musik men ett fenomen påverkar samhället. Kiss handlar om att stärka människor, att visa dem att de kan lyckas..." -Paul Stanley till Kulturnyheterna
13. Låt: I Stole Your Love
Skiva: Love Gun
Årtal: 1977
"It was kind of a sister song to 'Love Gun,' so it came around the same time. Again, swagger and attitude. That song was influenced in some ways by the Deep Purple song 'Burn.' There's an old standard called 'Fascinating Rhythm' which is what 'Burn' is based on. The songs I was writing at the time were of a certain type. I was trying to get closer to the things I liked in British bands that were my influences. And then, interestingly, once you had Kiss play it, the song took off in a different direction because of the perspective of the players in Kiss. So, if I had done those songs 100% my way, they would have sounded more similar to those influences. That's the beauty of being in a band, each person brings their own perspective and takes it some place you might not." -Paul Stanley
14. Låt: I Still Love You
Skiva: Creatures of the Night
Årtal: 1982
Kommentar: Sicken jäkla powerballad!!
15. Låt: I've Had Enough (Into the Fire)
Skiva: Animalize
Årtal: 1984
Kommentar: Duktigt bespottad platta, men den är faktiskt rätt så bra. Inga superlåtar eller hits förutom Heaven's On Fire då förstås. I've Had Enough (Into the Fire), Get All You Can Take, Thrills In The Night, While The City Sleeps och Under The Gun funkar!
16. Låt: Love In Chains
Skiva: Paul Stanley
Årtal: 1978
Kommentar: Sockersött, men tämligen ointressant. Mil bättre än Genes försök dock. Power Pop på Wouldn't You Like to Know Me?, It's Alright och Love in Chains. Stefan Nilsson (Burmans musik) approves! Talisman har garanterat hört Love In Chains.
17. Låt: Strutter
Skiva: KISS
Årtal: 1974
Kommentar: Inspirerad av The Who och Bob Dylan med en låt som från början hette Stanley the Parrot (skriven av Gene Simmons). Paul Stanley tyckte texten var löjlig, men gillade ackorden. Själv hävdar han att andraversen är inspirerad av Bob Dylan:
She wears her satins like a lady
She gets her way just like a child
You take her home, and she says maybe, baby
She takes you down and drives you wild
""With Strutter, I was trying to approximate the feel of the Stones' Brown Sugar, to write a song that had swagger and attitude and a bravado to it. Gene had a song called Stanley The Parrot and there was a short plodding segment in that which struck me as something that could be kicked up in terms of tempo and made to bounce and rock: that ended up being the verse chords. Once the feel of the song changed it seemed to lend itself to a lyric which captured that swagger." -Paul Stanley för loudersound.com
18. Låt: Makin' Love
Skiva: Rock and Roll Over
Årtal: 1976
Kommentar: Solot!
19. Låt: She
Skiva: Dressed to Kill
Årtal: 1975
Doin' well for others
She doesn't really know
The powers are within her
As she takes off her clothes
20. Låt: I Can't Stop The Rain
Skiva: Peter Criss
Årtal: 1978
Kommentar: "Highlights include "the silence between tracks" and "tonearm returning to resting position"." -Kronz
21. Låt: Detroit Rock City
Skiva: Destroyer
Årtal: 1976
""Detroit, for me, has always been an incredible city with a great allure and a great history," Stanley tells UCR. "You have Motown ... which is mind-boggling. And then you have this great, blue-collar city with Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels, early Alice Cooper, Stooges, MC5, Bob Seger. It's a city that really embraces rock 'n' roll...Bob Ezrin at the time really wanted us to push ourselves in terms of our lyrics and perspective," Stanley recalls. "And I remembered that a fan going to our show in Charlotte got killed, was hit by a car, and I just remember thinking about the idea of somebody traveling to see something that celebrates life, and in the process losing their life. So the song became about somebody traveling to a Kiss concert and not making it. It was still championing Detroit but also memorialized somebody who didn't get there."
22. Låt: Shock Me
Skiva: Love Gun
Årtal: 1977
"KISS fans upon listening to KISS:
"Why doesn't Ace sing any?"
KISS fans upon listening to Hotter Than Hell:
"Why doesn't Ace sing any?"
KISS fans upon listening to Dressed to Kill:
"Why doesn't Ace sing any?"
KISS fans upon listening to Destroyer:
"Why doesn't Ace sing any?"
KISS fans upon listening to Rock and Roll Over:
"Why doesn't Ace sing any?"
KISS fans upon listening to Love Gun:
"Oh."" -dakkar
23. Låt: Shout It Out Loud
Skiva: Destroyer
Årtal: 1976
Kommentar: "You have the verse, 'Well the night's begun and you want some fun, do you think you're gonna find it, think you're gonna find it.' That answer in the background is the Four Tops! The call-and-response is something that the Four Tops did in 'Sugar Pie Honey Bunch.'" -Paul Stanley
24. Låt: Parasite
Skiva: Hotter Than Hell
Årtal: 1974
Kommentar: Kiss utmanar Sir Lord Baltimore?
25. Låt: The Oath
Skiva: Music From The Elder
Årtal: 1981
Kommentar: Kiss skriver låtar om svärd och drakar. Dungeons and Dragons mode on!
26. Låt: Dirty Livin
Skiva: Dynasty
Årtal: 1979
Kommentar: Kiss goes disco? Nja. Här finns ett knippe bra rocklåtar. 2,000 Man (Stones-cover), Sure Know Something, Dirty Livin (Peter Criss enda bidrag), Charisma (prova att inte klappa med) och Magic Touch. Jag känner mig barnsligt förtjust i denna platta. Är det för att de kommer efter de fyra soloplattorna? Förmodligen! Plattan tappar på slutet och de tre sista låtarna är inte superbra.
27. Låt: C'mon and Love Me
Skiva: Dressed to Kill
Årtal: 1975
Kommentar: C'mon And Love Me, Love Her All I Can, Anything For My Baby (Strutter?), She och Rock And Roll All Nite (samtliga låtar på sida B) är bra låtar.
""I love 'C'mon and Love Me.' I was talking to someone on how to be a better songwriter. But you can also lose the essence and purity of what made you in the beginning 'cause what you did early on was based on free association, just purging yourself and cool stuff would come out. 'C'mon 'N Love Me' was written like that. It was very autobiographical and very much a point of view of a lifestyle that I was living but it wasn't a calculated study. It was basically just spitting out a song. I really liked it, still do, the verse, the chorus, the whole thing. That's the first time I played lead guitar on a Kiss song, that's me playing the lead at the beginning!"" -Paul Stanley
28. Låt: Creatures of the Night
Skiva: Creatures of the Night
Årtal: 1982
Kommentar: Kiss goes Ozzy!
29. Låt: I Want You
Skiva: Rock and Roll Over
Årtal: 1976
Kommentar: "I wrote 'I Want You' at a soundcheck on stage in England. There was something about being on some of those stages that just felt so magical because my heroes all played on them, and you kind of summon the spirits to enter your body." -Paul Stanley
30. Låt: Under The Rose
Skiva: Music From The Elder
Årtal: 1981
Kommentar: Från rock till disco och symfonisk rock på två år. Respekt till Kiss för att de gjorde något annorlunda, men som Kiss-fan under 70-talet måste det varit otroligt förvirrande när 80-talet kom. Jösses, vilka svängningar! Som gammal prog-nörd är det dock svårt att inte bli fascinerad. Det är förvånansvärt bra. Låtar som Under The Rose, The Oath och A World Without Heroes är kanon!
"I had all the music exactly the way it is on the album. I then brought it to Gene, and he worked on the lyrics. I think Ezrin was involved in that too, but I don't remember at this point" -Eric Carr
31. Låt: Love Gun
Skiva: Love Gun
Årtal: 1977
"Paul Stanley wrote it about his dick. Seriously, this song is called 'Love Gun.' And it's about Paul Stanley's dick, and how this girl's gonna get some of his dick!" -Sean Willam Scott i filmen Role Models.
"That was written in my head, the whole thing...When we landed, I had to play it to make sure it worked and it was all there. I think most of the time when you write songs that are great, you know it. I always thought 'Love Gun' was a great song, and today, I still think it is a tremendous song. It's probably the song I enjoy performing the most. To me, 'Love Gun' is quintessential Kiss and probably one of the five essential signature songs." -Gene Simmons om hur han skrev Love Gun
32. Låt: All American Man
Skiva: Alive II
"This was one of three songs that featured Bob Kulick as the ghost "Ace Frehley" on the studio side of "Alive II." It was also the final song recorded for the album. Sean Delaney had plenty to say about the song when asked: "Actually, to tell you the truth, there were three people that actually co-wrote that, and one of them didn't get any credit. His name was Richard Gerstein, or Richard T. Bear, he was an artist for RCA Records... We were just up at Paul's apartment, and Paul started playing guitar and I started singing" (KISS Freaks Interview). The song was written prior to the band leaving for Japan in March 1977." -kissmonster.com
33. Låt: Tunnel Of Love
Skiva: Gene Simmons
Årtal: 1978
Kommentar: Gene lirar som en fusion-gitarrist på sockerchock och sjunger smör-yachtrock-låtar som inte ens platsar på en plastbåt. Jebus! Jag har svårt att hitta en låt att ta med. Jag ber om ursäkt när jag tar med Tunnel Of Love på denna best of, men den är faktiskt bäst här.
34. Låt: Heaven's On Fire
Skiva: Animalize
Årtal: 1984
Kommentar: Jag älskar ta mig fan Heaven's On Fire. Pure nostalgia förstås. Jag kommer att jag och min kusin lyssnade på låten innan vi hade lärt oss engelska. Hej Dumskall sjöng vi av någon anledning. Mäktigt!
35. Låt: A World Without Heroes
Skiva: Music From The Elder
Årtal: 1981
""The whole track was uncharacteristically architected for Kiss," Ezrin says. "But then so was 'Beth.' In this case, having Gene sing the 'romantic lead' and Paul be the guitar god, plus having Lou write these innocent, yearning lyrics, was an intentional change of normal roles to get an unusual effect." -ultimateclassicrock.com
36. Låt: I Love It Loud
Skiva: Creatures of the Night
Årtal: 1982
Kommentar: Kiss goes heavy metal! Bra låtar i Creatures of the Night, Saints And Sinner, Keep Me Comin', Danger, I Love It Loud, I Still Love You och War Machine.
37. Låt: Magic Touch
Skiva: Dynasty
Årtal: 1979
Kommentar: "By 1979 KISS were a rock 'n' roll McDonalds, an immediately recognizable American institution serving up cheap, fattening, but sickeningly delicious product. When consumers expecting a juicy KISSburger dropped the needle on Dynasty, however, they were met with a foot long disco dog."
38. Låt: Trial By Fire
Skiva: Asylum
Årtal: 1985
Kommentar: Kiss med dubbelstamp? Really? Här börjar det retas i mina öron. Glam Metal? Jag är väldigt osugen på att välja en låt här.
39. Låt: Nowhere to Run
Skiva: Killers
Årtal: 1982
Kommentar: Fyra nya låtar. Nowhere to Run, Partners in Crime, Down on Your Knees, och I'm a Legend Tonight. Resten "Best of".
40. Låt: Lick It Up
Skiva: Lick It Up
Årtal: 1983
Kommentar: Lick It Up. Wow. Jag har hört och läst bättre sångtexter. Have mörschi on ma soul.
41. Låt: While The City Sleeps
Skiva: Animalize
Årtal: 1984
42. Låt: Turn on the Night
Skiva: Crazy Nights
Årtal: 1987
Kommentar: Crazy Nights, Turn on the Night och Reason to Live är de stora hitarna på denna platta. Resten är ärligt talat både dåligt och okänt. Good Girl Gone Bad är iofs ok också. Texten bedrövlig givetvis dock.
"Does anyone really like this album? Or are they just Kiss fans?" -mofoking
43. Låt: God Gave Rock 'n' Roll to You II (Argent cover)
Skiva: Revenge
Årtal: 1992
Kommentar: Kiss goes Heavy Metal igen. Tough Love är skrämmande mycket Extreme/Talisman. Bra med andra ord. Domino låter modern Zz-top blandat med Ac/Dc. Heart of Chrome ÄR Mr. Feelgood (Mötley Crüe). Every Time I Look at You är Kiss försök till att bli Mr Big på MTV. Carr Jam 1981 är superb (förutom andra halvan som bara är trumsolo).
44. Låt: A Million to One
Skiva: Lick It Up
Årtal: 1983
"The song was written by Paul Stanley and Vinnie Vincent (who did not save Kiss) which tells the story of our hero of the song telling his ex-lover that there is basically no hope in hell she will find a love as great as his." -2loud2oldmusic.com
45. Låt: Rain
Skiva: Carnival of Souls: The Final Sessions
Årtal: 1997
Kommentar: Kiss testar grunge. Inspelad 1995 och släppt 1997 vilket är några år för sent. Hade den kommit 1991 hade den säkerligen fått mer uppmärksamhet. Hate (Them Bones-inspirerad) är ingen dålig öppningslåt, Rain måste innehålla Paul Stanley starkaste vokala insats någonsin t.ex? I Will Be There är ett försök till ballad som fungerar rätt så bra. Det blir än tydligare att Kiss vill låta som Alice in Chains och Soundgarden på Jungle.
46. Låt: Psycho Circus
Skiva: Psycho Circus
Årtal: 1998
Kommentar: Efter diverse medlemsbyten var äntligen Peter Criss, Ace Frehley, Gene Simmons och Paul Stanley tillbaka tillsammans, dessutom med smink igen! Med en lovande Psycho Circus som startlåt byggdes det upp stora förväntningar hemma hos de 40-50åriga gubbarnas gubbhjärtan. När sedan Within började ljuda ur högtalarna satte nog de flesta de salta pinnarna i halsen? Vad var det för gudsförläten dret till Metalzone-distande skit de fick höra? -Jag vill ha pengarna tillbaka, skrek de nog. Någon började säkert gråta också. Som tur hade jag själv knappt hört Kiss (förutom hej dumskall då förstås). Sen låter Kiss som The Cult på I Pledge... och Into The Void följt av någon märklig Save Africa-pastisch till låt i balladen We Are One. Huvva! You Wanted The Best följer och det finns nog inte en mera passande låt-titel. De/Vi fick inte det bästa. Dreamin är ok och Journey of 1000 Years avslutar skivan. Ja, vi lämnar det så.
47. Låt: Crazy Nights
Skiva: Crazy Nights
Årtal: 1987
"We had gone in and done pretty much a full demo on 'Crazy Crazy Nights,' and I don't feel that in any way what ended up being the record matched what we did on the demo," Mitchell said. "Principally because when we did the background vocals – the crowd singing along – it was huge. I mean, the crowd really was a participant. And that was the whole point of the song. By the time [producer] Ron Nevison had mixed it and done the recording 'his style,' the crowd was just not a part of it. So I did not care for it at all. I know Paul didn't care for it, although he wouldn't say so at the time." -Adam Mitchell som skrev låten tillsammans med Paul Stanley.
48. Låt: All For The Glory
Skiva: Sonic Boom
Årtal: 2009
Kommentar: All For The Glory tillhör en av skivans finaste stunder, vad nu det innebär.
Avdelningen "charmigt självsäker":
"For more than 45 years, Paul Stanley has reigned supreme as one of the single-most recognizable front men in the history of rock and roll. Although preferring to live his off stage life out of the media spotlight he continues to be thechief songwriter, driving force and unwavering voice of KISS. A visionary and trendsetter since the early 1970s, Stanley's passion for both the musical and visual arts has perhaps been the key to the astonishing ongoing worldwide phenomenon known as KISS." -Paul Stanley.com
49. Låt: Long Way Down
Skiva: Monster
Årtal: 2012
Kommentar: Hell Or Hallelujah, Wall Of Sound och Long Way Down är bra låtar. Mc5-stölden i Back To The Stone-Age är rolig. Monster är ingen dålig skiva. Det finns det dock gott om i Kiss-katalogen.
Om du samlar på Kiss kan du köpa i princip vad som helst eller vad sägs om Gitarrsträngar för luftgitarr, lik-kista, chili/tomat-bröd, toalettpapper, toalettpapper (Hello Kitty), kondomer, flingor, Mount Rushmore fast med Kiss-ansikten, vägg-fontän, babuschka, Gene Simmons-tunga i latex m.m.
50. Låt: (You Make Me) Rock Hard
Skiva: Smashes, Thrashes and Hits
Årtal: 1988
"That was the era when Paul was running amok, with no one to rein him in. He was taking his special brand of "sexy metal" to an entire new level. He was an album or two away from being lowered on to the stage on a big bed, and performing in sexy kimonos while models rubbed oil all over him. Thank God Gene became interested again, or who knows how far Paul might have taken it?"
51. Låt: Rocket Ride
Skiva: Alive II
Avdelningen bra texter?
Lady space, you like the way
52. Låt: Never Enough
Skiva: Sonic Boom
Årtal: 2009
Kommentar: Hmm. Kiss goes Audioslave? Modern Day Delilah inleder ivf Sonic Boom. Never Enough (Slide It In) låter mera Whitesnake än Kiss.
53. Låt: Forever
Skiva: Hot in the Shade
Årtal: 1989
Kommentar: Hmm. Prisoner of Love, Love's A Slap in the Face, Silver Spoon, Little Caesar och King Of Hearts går att lyssna på. Forever är den givna hiten dock.
54. Låt: Fractured Mirror
Skiva: Ace Frehley
Årtal: 1978
Kommentar: Kissmedlemmarna var less på varandra och fyra viljor ville olika. Resultatet? Fyra soloplattor såklart. Ace Frehleys soloplatta är överlägset bäst av de fyra med låtar som Rip It Out, Speedin' Back to My Baby, proto-grunge i Ozone och New York Groove. Jag tycker det ofta påminner om Alice Cooper. Någon som håller med mig?
55. Låt: Let Me Go, Rock N' Roll
Skiva: Alive I
Årtal: 1975
56. Låt: Black Diamond
Skiva: Alive I
Årtal: 1975
57. Låt: Got to Choose
Skiva: Alive I
Årtal: 1975
58. Låt: Rock And Roll All Nite
Skiva: Alive III
1. Destroyer
2. Creatures of the Night
3. Dynasty
4. Kiss
5. Hotter Than Hell
6. Rock and Roll Over
7. Dressed to Kill
8. Love Gun
9. Music From The Elder
10. Carnival of Souls: The Final Sessions
11. Animalize
12. Ace Frehley
13. Hot in the Shade
14. Crazy Nights
15. Monster
16. Sonic Boom
17. Unmasked
18. Asylum
19. Psycho Circus
20. Paul Stanley
21. Gene Simmons
22. Peter Criss