En lång karriär sammanfattat i en best of-lista. Ni vet reglerna vid det här laget, men jag drar dem igen:
Max tre låtar per album.
Minst en låt per album.
Ordning= Noga genomtänkt, men ej rangordnad.
Spotifylista: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3ULehjdGV5OU1wIMfZmehZ?si=32d4e1a48ce8445a&pt=5062141c2ae1857a8e78a2feac9f7e1d
Kommentarer: Norges stoltheter har inte varit konsistenta, åtminstone inte om man ser till genretillhörighet. De har bland annat rört sig mellan progressiv rock, grunge, alternative, country, jazzrock, stoner, indie och psykedelia. Var de är som bäst överlåter jag till er, men svaret är de tre första spåren på The Death Defying Unicorn.
"Taking their name from the Russ Meyer film of the same name, Motorpsycho come from Trondheim in Norway and were formed in 1989." -metalgodstv.com
Best of Motorpsycho
1. Låt: X-3 (Knuckleheads in Space) / The Getaway Special
Skiva: Heavy Metal Fruit
Årtal: 2010
"Det börjar med tungt riffande i Zeppelin-skolan, fortsätter med ett långt flummigt gitarrsolo i Jerry Garcias anda över en jazzrockigt udda rytm och övergår skarvlöst i ett mer glamrockigt spår som slutar i kaos." -Svd.se
2. Låt: N.O.X. II Ouroboros (Strange Loop)
Skiva: The All Is One
Årtal: 2020 Kommentar: Den stora, stora låten här är N.O.X., en musiksvit på fem stycken som klockar in på dryga 40 minuter. Trist att jag inte kan välja alla låtar från den då den är fullkomligt magisk.
"The All Is One talks about problematic world leaders but looks to a kind of alchemy to shape our future; this is suggested by the sleeve art supplied by feted Trondheim painter Håkon Gullvåg. Sæther had been given a book of Gullvåg's work, and, impressed by his modern Bosch-Bacon surrealist-fantasy mix, had thought, "Jesus, dare I ask this guy if we can use his work?" Once approached, Gullvåg was flattered, and so existing paintings were used for the last two releases The Tower and The Crucible, with a new commission – replete with symbolic fantasy creatures – for The All Is One." -Loudersound.com
3. Låt: The Waning (Pt.1)
Skiva: Kingdom of Oblivion
Årtal: 2021Kommentar: Så här skrev jag i min best of 2021 på bloggen:
"Norges okrönta kungar. En vet aldrig vad man får. Prog? Psych? Country? Grunge? "The Waning pt 1 & 2" öppnar plattan och det är en stark öppning. Svårt att genrebestämma, men det är bra stonerliknande öppningsriff, men där sången snarare drar åt pophållet. Huvudspåret "Kingdom of Oblivion är en riktigt trevlig 7-minuterslåt! What's up with "The Watcher"? Fattar inte riktigt heller vad som händer med "Dreamkiller" och "Atet". Tog de ett sömnpiller? På "At Empire's End" har de vaknat till liv igen. 7/10"
4. Låt: Nothing to Say
Skiva: Demon Box
Årtal: 1993
Kommentar: Nothing to Say är lika delar Dinosaur Jr, Vai (med Devin Townsend på sång) och Skelleftepop.
"Arguably still one of their finest efforts, and certainly the album on which their reputation was made, Demon Box was perceived as a radical shift in focus for the band, but in reality Deathprod's arrival had basically removed the young band's blinders and opened up their horizons to all the music they were interested in. No longer were there rights or wrongs and all forms of musical expression were from now on valid if done right: musical diversity was redefined as an asset and was from now on to be indulged. A huge success locally, Motorpsycho was the happening band in Norway when a third European tour that fall in support of the Mountain E.P. presented the band to enthusiastic European audiences." -motorpsycho.no
5. Låt: Ship of Fools
Skiva: Roadwork Vol. 5: Field Notes - The Fantastic Expedition of Järmyr, Ryan, Sæther & Lo Live in Europe 2017
Årtal: 2018
Kommentar: Som ett fint vin blir Motorpsycho bara bättre med åren. Vol 5 i roadwork-serien mördas i gång av en vansinnigt bra Ship of Fools. Lacuna / Sunrise, Manmower, Un chien d'espace och Taifun är makalöst bra. Motorpsychos bästa platta?
6. Låt: Kill Devil Hills
Skiva: Roadwork Vol. 4: Intrepid Skronk (live 2008-2010)
Årtal: 2011
Kommentar: Suveräna versioner av The Alchemyst, Kill Devil Hills och The Bomb-Proof Roll & Beyond.
7. Låt: Hotel Daedalus
Skiva: Yay!
Årtal: 2023
Kommentar: Så här skrev jag om plattan på min best of 2023 (plattan hamnade på plats 38)
"Jag blev både rädd och besviken när jag fick höra att Motorpsychos nya platta skulle vara akustisk. Men, varför inte? De har ju släppt ett album i varje genrer som finns känns det som. Spontant känns Yay som ett album signerat Steven Wilson. Det är något med soundet med de akustiska gitarrerna, de svävande melodierna och sångrösten som påminner väldigt mycket om honom. Genremässigt hamnar vi närmare pop/psych än progressivt jam och det är ett välkommet bryt i katalogen. Lyssna på Hotel Daedalus (särskilt andra halvan *Yeez)." -mig själv
8/9. Låt: Out Of The Woods/The Hollow Lands
Skiva: The Death Defying Unicorn
Årtal: 2012
Kommentar: The Death Defying Unicorn börjar brilljant med det smått Magma-tiska introt Out Of The Woods som övergår i den fantastiska The Hollow Lands. Orchestral, avantgardistisk symfprog/jazzrock? WOW! 5/5 alla dagar i veckan. VÄRLDSKLASS!
10. Låt: Psychotzar
Skiva: The Crucible
Årtal: 2019
Något så ovanligt som en kort platta. 3 låtar som klockar in på dryga 40 minuter. Öppningsspåret Psychotzar är tung och hård stoner/heavy psych, en fantastisk öppning.
"...this album is very heavy, and I'd say it takes more cues from stoner rock and grunge than progressive rock, though this isn't without looking at the 20 minute titular epic." -Dapper_Blueberries
11. Låt: Suite: Little Lucid Moments
Skiva: Little Lucid Moments
Årtal: 2008
"Within their cosmic sound lies the DNA of space-rock, prog rock, post-rock, emo-punk and west coast psychedelica all steeped within a dark-tinged, glossy beauty that seeps from the pores of their instruments. The 21 minute opener, 'Suite: Little Lucid Moments' is a perfect example of their ability to fuse varying sub-genres in an exciting and fluid manner to create a contemporised real-rock journey with the epicness and ambition of the early 70's rock trailblazers." -experimusic
12. Låt: Theme De Yoyo
Skiva: In the Fishtank
Årtal: 2003
"It's strange, with the Motorpsycho rhythm section throwing down a funky yet very rock styled groove. Lars Horntveth, Jaga's premiere songwriter and the tenor saxophonist, takes the horn feature in the song and puts out a Coltrane-worthy solo that takes the chord changes and throws them out the window. That makes the middle of the song, but the rest is a strange mix of Motorpsycho's groove and a few moments of a chaotic mix of horn blasts and cymbal crashes. Including some raspy vocals that get a bit too stylish for their own good, it comes across sloppy and improvised because it probably was improvised; they only had two days to record these 45 minutes of music. Still, it somehow works. Some of the sections, with the strange chaos, anthemic vocal harmonies, and memorable horn melodies resemble The Mars Volta. Theme de Yoyo is what happens when The Mars Volta and John Coltrane in his Love Supreme days have a lovechild." -Sputnikmusic.com
13. Låt: Chariot of the Sun - To Phaeton on the Occasion of Sunrise (Theme From an Imagined Movie)
Skiva: Ancient Astronauts
Årtal: 2022
"Motorpsycho have a hell of a streak going with their albums, carrying the torch for truly forward-thinking, entertaining, and worthwhile prog rock."
14. Låt: Lobotomizer
Skiva: Lobotomizer
Årtal: 1991
15. Låt: TFC
Skiva: Lobotomizer
Årtal: 1991
Kommentar: Motorpsychos första platta är föga nyskapande. Det låter otroligt 1991 om detta. Någonstans i grungeland med något bajsnödig sång. Lobotomizer, introt på plattan lovar psykedeliska svampar, men Grinder och Hogwash vill annat. Här är det istället fullt grunge-ställ med ömsom stoner ömsom alternativ ökenrocks riffande i Seattle. Flanellskjortan är på! Hyfsat amatörmässigt inspelat och gitarrljud och sång lämnar en del att önska. På Home of the Brave är det ren och skär garage-mörs-noice-stoner som gäller. Manglande gitarrer och långsamma tunga trummor guidar oss i musiklandskapet allt emedan sången bjuder in oss i desperation och ren aggressivitet. Frances flörtar hårt med Dinosaur Jr.
"After graduation their ways parted, but less than two years later, in 1989, they again met – this time in Trondheim – where Bent attended university and worked as a DJ at the local college radio station. Having started a band for fun with Kjell Runar 'Killerkjell' Jensen and a couple of other DJ friends from work, 'Aural Blow-job' were in need of a new guitar player when a chance meeting on the bus rejoined the two. Later that fall, a record hunting trip to London provided the fledging power trio with a new name, and Motorpsycho was born." -motorpsycho.no
16. Låt: Through the Veil
Skiva: The Death Defying Unicorn
Årtal: 2012
Kommentar: Alltså. Är detta albumet när Motorpsycho peakar? 16 minuter Through the Veil vill nog säga det. Jösses, Amalia! Out Of The Woods/The Hollow Lands/Through the Veil/Into The Mystic är bland det bästa de gjort. Tyvärr blir det lite mellanmjölksfeeling emellan dessa låtar även om det är bra rakt igenom. ENORM potential och albumsamarbetet med Ståle Storlökken är bitvis brilljant.
17. Låt: The Crucible
Skiva: The Crucible
Årtal: 2019
Kommentar: Vansinnigt bra platta och vansinningt bra avslutning. Sa jag att plattan är vansinnigt bra?
"Elements of Sabbath rub shoulders with King Crimson while dipping a toe into Jazz while flirting with Opeth and Yes. This is a sprawling, epic journey that will either alienate you or enthral you. You are never quite sure what you will hear next but it will always be heavy. Repeated plays reveal gems in the background. Some people will be turned off by this. Me, I listen to Miles and Zappa exactly for this reason. Music that demands to be listened to, not background wallpaper. Be brave dear readers, take the plunge!" -stonerhive.blogspot.com
18. Låt: The Golden Core
Skiva: Roadwork Vol. 2: The MotorSourceMassacre
Årtal: 2000
19. Låt: Lacuna / Sunrise
Skiva: Roadwork Vol. 5: Field Notes - The Fantastic Expedition of Järmyr, Ryan, Sæther & Lo Live in Europe 2017
Årtal: 2018
20. Låt: The Tower
Skiva: The Tower
Årtal: 2017
Kommentar: "I don't know how many albums we've done now, but we're pretty fed up with the normal verse-chorus-verse way of doing things...So this time around we started building on various themes and riffs and it all got quite humongous in the end. We've basically bitten off as much as we could." -Loudersound.com
21. Låt: Ozone
Skiva: Trust Us
Årtal: 1998
Kommentar: Motorpsychos bästa platta i karriären (hittills aka 1998). Fullständigt sprängfylld med hits: Psychonaut, Ozone, The Ocean in Her Eye, Vortex Surfer, 577, Evernine, Radiance Freg., Taifun, Superstooge och Hey Jane är grymma!
"Hans Ryan and Bent Saether's overly-crunching riffs coincide staggeringly with the quieter background music and the overly-intricate drumming of Haakon Gebhardt, but with a few spins it becomes much more cognitively natural as your brain adapts to it." -
22. Låt: Überwagner or a Billion Bubbles in my Mind
Skiva: It's a Love Cult
Årtal: 2002
Kommentar: It's a Love Cult inleder suveränt med Überwagner or a Billion Bubbles in my Mind, Circles, Neverland och Carousel. It's a Love Cult avslutar trion av album med 60-talsdoftande psych och 70talsprog. Custer's Last Stand (One More Daemon)
23. Låt: Heartattack Mac
Skiva: Angels and Daemons at Play
Årtal: 1997
Kommentar: Sweet baby jesus vilken suverän platta! Walking on the Water, Heartattack Mac, Pills, Powders and Passionplays, In the Family och Un Chien D'espace är superba låtar.
24. Låt: Mountain
Skiva: Mountain EP
Årtal: 1993
Kommentar: Fantastisk jävla låt. 11 minuter magi. Bortglömd pärla som av någon märklig anledning inte tog sig med på Demon Box-albumet. Lyssna även till The House at Pooneil Corners (Jefferson Airplane).
"How much does a mountain weigh? Several billion tons. And you feel all that weight pressing down on top of your head while listening to the massive title track - an outtake from the Demon Box album..." -Hitherto
25. Låt: You Lied
Skiva: Roadwork Vol. 1: Heavy Metall Iz a Poze, Hardt Rock Iz a Laifschteil, Live in Europe 1998
Årtal: 1999
26. Låt: Neverland
Skiva: It's a Love Cult
Årtal: 2002
27. Låt: No Evil
Skiva: Black Hole / Blank Canvas
Årtal: 2006
"Motorpsycho would have an unsuspected turn of events as the band's longtime drummer, Håkon Gebhardt, left the band. The rest of the group, Hans and Bent decided to continue on as a duo. Not only that but the two decided to try something new, still continuing the psychedelic rock sounds, but with more of an edge that could be found on their earliest releases of Lobotimizer and Demon Box. The duo wanted to go for a more hard psych approach combining elements of shoegaze, alternative rock, post-punk, and garage rock to create one of their more ambitious efforts, that being Black Hole / Blank Canvas." -Dapper_Blueberries
28. Låt: Hell, Part 1-3
Skiva: Still Life With Eggplant
Årtal: 2013
Kommentar: Efter deras mest utsvävade och vågade album i The Death Defying Unicorn är Motorpsycho tillbaka på bekväm och behaglig mark igen på Still Life With Eggplant. Det är alternativ, psykedelisk, hård rock, denna gång med Reine Fiske (Dungen, Landberk, Paatos, Träden, Goran Kajfes) på fuzzig gitarr. Musiken är lekfull, jammig och på samma gång laidback. Inledande Hell, Part 1-3 är lika delar Hendrix, Cream och Wishbone Ash. Kanonspår! Kenneth Kapstad (Spidergawd m.fl) trummar arslet av stolen!
29. Låt: Hell, Part 4-6
Skiva: Behind the Sun
Årtal: 2014
Kommentar: Mycket med Motorpsycho (om inte det mesta) hade jag hört sedan tidigare även om jag inte var superinlyssnad, men Behind the Sun hade jag nog inte hört före detta mastodontprojekt. Influenser kan höras från symfoniska progband som Yes. Jag tycker mig också skönja en ny typ av sånginfluens från sentida King Crimson i inledande Soundwalker, framförallt då från Adrian Belews sätt att frasera på. On a Plate är modern heavy psych/stoner. Vi bjuds på fortsättningen av underbara Hell, Kvaestor, Entropy, The Magic & The Wonder och The Promise. Inte en dålig sekund! Fantastisk platta!
30. Låt: Hell, Part 7
Skiva: Behind the Sun
Årtal: 2014
"I really tried to think of things I didn't like about this album, but I just couldn't. It is honestly surprising how this band can manage to create masterpiece after masterpiece, or even create a single truly bad album in their discography." -Dapper_Blueberries
31. Låt: Bonny Lee
Skiva: Hyena / Bonny Lee
Årtal: 2006
32. Låt: I.C.U (Boinganoid)
Skiva: The Light Fantastic
Årtal: 2006
33. Låt: I.M.S.
Skiva: Here Be Monsters
Årtal: 2016
"The exception to this is I.M.S. which is this energy, almost Thee Oh See or King Gizz flavored jam session with lots of unique distortions..." -
34. Låt: Pills, Powders and Passion Plays
Skiva: In the Fishtank
Årtal: 2003
"What came out is a stunning cocktail of Stax Soul, John Coltrane and obviously, Pharaoh Sanders. Motorpsycho's recent funkiness blends in perfectly with the mesmerizing quality of most of the material and as always, you can rely on these guys to give an excellent performance." -motorpsycho.no
35. Låt: The Same Old Rock (One Must Imagine Sisyohus Happy)
Skiva: The All Is One
Årtal: 2020
Kommentar: Ännu ett makalöst bra album. Albumöppnaren och albumbetitlade The All Is One inleder på bästa sätt med ett numera klassiskt Motorpsycho-låt-recept som sträcker sig nästan 9 minuter. Bitvis låter sången Mars Volta och vi bjuds på ett mycket bra gitarrsolo 5 minuter in i låten. Sen följer den utomordentliga The Same Old Rock (One Must Imagine Sisyohus Happy) som är väldigt catchig, även för att vara Motorpsycho. The Magpie, N.O.X., Dreams of Fancy är också grymma!
36. Låt: Lux Aeterna
Skiva: The Crucible
Årtal: 2019
Ca 5 minuter in i Lux Aeterna ballar Motorpsycho ut King Crimson-style. Jebus Kristersson!
"It takes the jamming nature of Jazz and combines it with Heavy Psych and a dash of Prog to make both an approachable yet also very emotional and picturesque concept album. Fantastic stuff." -Hurricanslash
37. Låt: The All Is One
Skiva: The All Is One
Årtal: 2020
"After the American presidential election [in 2016], it really hit home how fragile this world is," he continues. "Two of us have now turned 50. We're grown up, we have children, we care a bit more than we used to about the world. So this is our third album about this." -Motorpsycho
38. Låt: At Empire's End
Skiva: Kingdom of Oblivion
Årtal: 2021
Kommentar: En ganska rejäl dipp i form från The All Is One. Några könstiga spår i The Watcher, och Atet. Plus till At Empire's End, Kingdom of Oblivion, The Waning, The Transmutation of Cosmoctopus Lurker och The United Debased.
"Motorpsycho have been unfairly robbed of world domination by a fashion obsessed United Kingdom and U.S.A. since their inception in 1989. However, with a loyal and cult following in their hometown of Trondheim, Norway plus Germany, Italy, Belgium, Scandinavia and the Netherlands they have all been enthusiastic converts for many a year. The UK and USA's loss I reckon." -thesleepingshaman.com
39. Låt: Into The Mystic
Skiva: The Death Defying Unicorn
Årtal: 2012
"A wild and delirious journey through a bizarre variety of musical styles, Motorpsycho's The Death Defying Unicorn is prog brilliance. Intense instrumental workouts reminiscent of King Crimson give way to sections featuring vocals reminiscent of a much more successful version of Pure Reason Revolution's attempt at updating Pink Floyd on their debut album. Spooky passages threatening to break into space rock, zeuhl or RIO territory at any moment swirl around before coalescing into avant-fusion segments reminiscent of Frank Zappa conducting the Mahavishnu Orchestra. In fact, it's Ståle Storløkken adding some jazz sensibilities to the fabulous Motorpsycho, a potent combination which makes me want to explore the work of both further." -Warthur
40. Låt: Vortex Surfer
Skiva: Trust Us
Årtal: 1998
"Over the last couple of years leading up to 1998's Double album Trust us, Bent had taken to playing more and more guitar on stage, letting Snah handle bass duties by playing Moog Taurus pedals. This approach opened up a different angle on song arrangements, and to a more modal feel in much of the new material. The songs became longer and had less chords, and the monolithic, epic feel this gave much of the music from the period is still held in high regard amongst Psychonauts." -motorpsycho.no
41. Låt: Flick Of The Twist
Skiva: Starmelt EP
Årtal: 1997
Kommentar: Starmelt/Lovelight är Skelleftepop i danskt format. Up Our Sleeves är stökig högoktanig hårdrock. Wishing Well skedspelande folk/lo-fi indie, Flick Of The Twist en 9 minuter alternativ lång genidänga och avslutande Instamatic är bara weird.
42. Låt: Junior
Skiva: Demon Box
Årtal: 1993
Kommentar: Massor med godis på den första starka plattan med Motorpsycho. Låna ett öra till Come On In, Demon Box, Junior, Plan #1, Nothing to Say, Feedtime och Sunchild m.fl.
"It's glad, high on hopes, kicking ass, dark as the darkest norwegian winter nights, exploring the far side of the human mind, being vulnerable, as well as funny - all at once." -mmmonster
"In the early 90s we came out of the European hardcore scene," says Sæther. "Fugazi were the gods. You were supposed to be a bit political so Demon Box and stuff like that had some political content. We didn't feel like there was room for it as the 90s grew" -Motorpsycho
43. Låt: Bedroom Eyes
Skiva: Phanerothyme
Årtal: 2001
Kommentar: Från avantgardisk noise prog till Nick Drake är det bara ett steg, i varje fall enligt Motorpsycho. Inledande Bedroom Eyes från Phanerothyme fullständigt skriker Nick Drake. Fantastisk låt!
44. Låt: The Alchemyst
Skiva: Little Lucid Moments
Årtal: 2008
Kommentar: Fyra låtar och ännu ett mästerverk!
"The best track is "The Alchemyst", which shifts from West Coast harmonies to chugging motorik before eventually phasing away right up its own fundament." -independent.co.uk
45. Låt: Starhammer (feat. The Electric Psalmon)
Skiva: Heavy Metal Fruit
Årtal: 2010
"imagine if the stoner rock/metal of Sleep's Dopesmoker merged with the neo- psychedelic jams of Thee Oh Sees, plus a sprinkling of the space infused atmospheres composed by SBB, and a topping of the heavy psych movements of Hawkwind, and you get yourself Heavy Metal Fruit..." -Dapper_Blueberries
46. Låt: Un chien d'espace
Skiva: Roadwork Vol. 5: Field Notes - The Fantastic Expedition of Järmyr, Ryan, Sæther & Lo Live in Europe 2017
Årtal: 2018
47. Låt: A K9 Suite
Skiva: Roadwork Vol. 1: Heavy Metall Iz a Poze, Hardt Rock Iz a Laifschteil, Live in Europe 1998
Årtal: 1999
Kommentar: Full on jam från Motorpsycho. Här ryms sånger som The Wheel, Vortex Surfer, Walking on Water, Superstooge fast låtarna är omdöpta och går ihop i varandra som långa jam.
48. Låt: Black to Comm
Skiva: Roadwork Vol. 1: Heavy Metall Iz a Poze, Hardt Rock Iz a Laifschteil, Live in Europe 1998
Årtal: 1999
"This is not a good way to get into Motorpsycho. For seasoned psychonauts only!"
49. Låt: Hogwash - Live
Skiva: Roadwork Vol. 3: The Four Norsemen of the Apocalypse - Live at The Paradiso, Amsterdam, November 23, 2002
Årtal: 2018
"But the real winner is a massively extended version of "Hogwash", which dates all the way back to the first album - of course they didn't quite play it like this back then. Just 20 minutes of pure Motorpsycho rock n' roll, example 1A of why you should never sleep on a live album by these guys." -JAMOOL
50. Låt: Dreams
Skiva: Roadwork Vol. 2: The MotorSourceMassacre
Årtal: 2000
Kommentar: Live-platta inspelad 1995, men släppt 2000. Plattan spelade in tillsammans med jazzbandet The Source och noiseartisten Deathprod. Stökigt!
51. Låt: Lykkepilgrim
Skiva: En konsert for folk flest
Årtal: 2015
Kommentar: Motorpsycho goes Magma? I övrigt kanske Motorcyklisterna kanske sämsta platta?
52. Låt: 577 - Live
Skiva: Roadwork Vol. 3: The Four Norsemen of the Apocalypse - Live at The Paradiso, Amsterdam, November 23, 2002
Årtal: 2018
53. Låt: Mona Liza / Azrael
Skiva: Ancient Astronauts
Årtal: 2022
Kommentar: Makalöst bra skiva! Så här skrev jag på min blogg om plattan i min best of 2022 (där plattan hamnade på plats 6):
"Nytt från ett av Norges allra finaste musikala export. I vanlig ordning (som det varit under senare år) bjuds vi på psykedelisk, progressiv och jammig rock. Receptet innehåller ofta även långa låtar och långt hår. Ta en lyssning till "Chariot of the Sun - To Phaeton on the Occasion of Sunrise (Theme From an Imagined Movie) eller andra delen av Mona Lisa/azrael"." -Mig själv
54. Låt: Big Black Dog
Skiva: Here Be Monsters
Årtal: 2016
Kommentar: Lacuna/Sunrise, Running With Scissors, I.M.S. H.P. Lovecraft-covern Spin, Spin, Spin och avslutande Big Black Dog är alla bra låtar! Magma!
55. Låt: In Every Dream Home
Skiva: The Tower
Årtal: 2017
"The Tower was named after The Tower on a tarot deck, and the sense of civilisation crumbling." -https://www.loudersound.com/
56. Låt: The Other Fool
Skiva: Let Them Eat Cake
Årtal: 2000
"As with every new release of this band, they try a variety of things like new sounds or new approaches in how they want to craft their albums. With this new release, the band was trying to capture a wider audience in their grasp, while still retaining their very psychedelic, and now more progressive flavors of sound. This obviously makes this record their quote on quote "pop" album, but Motorpsycho's pop is not necessarily gonna be as accessible as Yes' or Genesis' pop." -Dapper_blueberries
57. Låt: For Free
Skiva: Phanerothyme
Årtal: 2001
58. Låt: S.T.G.
Skiva: Blissard
Årtal: 1996
"the band found themselves so far out of their comfort zone that the recordings at first were perceived as too flawed to merit release. This was a first, and presented a steep learning curve for the still young band, but the ensuing panic – rerecording and remixing – at least 'fixed' the album in their ears, and Blissard was finally released in early 1996, eventually going on to win the Norwegian Grammy-equivalent Spellemannsprisen for best rock record." -motorpsycho.no
59. Låt: In the Family
Skiva: Angels and Daemons at Play
Årtal: 1997
"Instead of just releasing their next studio workings, the band would instead release three EPs, all with various feels of music, and release them one by one with limited copies, and then combine those EPs together to create their 6th studio work. These three EPs, Babyscooter, Have Spacesuit Will Travel, and Lovelight all contribute to various feelings of this 50 minute extension of music in the Motorpsycho lineage." -Dapper Blueberries
60. Låt: Plan #1
Skiva: Demon Box
Årtal: 1993
Kommentar: "Motorpsycho has its origins way back in the mid-1980s, when teenage Norwegian metalheads Hans Magnus 'Snah' Ryan and Bent Sæther met. Agreeing that Rainbow Rising was the finest album ever recorded by anyone (a statement often thereafter and still to this day often amended and adjusted), the two later attended the same high school and played together in their first bands in the central Norwegian town of Steinkjer." -Motorpsycho.no
61. Låt: Leave It Like That
Skiva: Timothy's Monster
Årtal: 1994
Kommentar: 110 minuter musik. Av många ansedd som deras Magnum Opus. Tydliga Dinosaur Jr i Trapdoor, alternativ rock i hög klass på Feel, Kill Some Day och On My Pillow m.m. Första skivan avslutas fint med Giftland och Watersound. På andra skivan bjuds vi på långt dronigt prog-epos i The Wheel, en stenhård Grindstone m.m.
62. Låt: Greener
Skiva: Blissard
Årtal: 1996
Kommentar: Avdelningen smala referenser. Motorpsycho låter Mew innan Mews första platta är släppt.
She wore her hair like a rock'n'roll star
With that "wounded bird"-look in her eyes
63. Låt: Starmelt/Lovelight
Skiva: Starmelt EP
Årtal: 1997
Kommentar: Grymt bra EP
64. Låt: The Wait
Skiva: 8 Soothing Songs for Rut
Årtal: 1992
Kommentar: Blandade småhopp och väl sorterade brysselsteg. 8 Soothing Songs for Rut är en compilation bestående av låtar från Soothe och 3 songs for Rut. Soundet är för det mesta grovt inspirerat av tidiga Soundgarden. Lyssna bara på Sister Confusion.
"Recording their sophomore effort, the Soothe mini-album, in the local Brygga Studio in Trondheim in January 1992, and following the mini album with two 7" singles later in the year to increasingly better acclaim, the band's fortunes were on the rise when they in September added a fourth member, noise enthusiast and art school student Helge 'Deathprod' Sten. With his arrival, an avant-garde influence crept into the bands hitherto pretty straight-up post-hardcore psychedelic guitar rock, and when the quartet came out of Brygga Studio in December 1992 with double-LP Demon Box under their belt, a new standard was set." -motorpsycho.no
65. Låt: 577
Skiva: Trust Us
Årtal: 1998
Kommentar: Sonic Youth, Led Zeppelin, Stooges, Black Sabbath, Beatles? Variationen i sound/influenser är som vanligt stor när det gäller Motorpsycho, men kanske särskilt på Trust Us från 1998.
66. Låt: Up Our Sleeves
Skiva: Starmelt EP
Årtal: 1997
"This shows the bands desire to do more than just stoner music and to stretch their imaginations a bit more. Heavy guitars get a chance to jam around against a solid beat. In the early days, guitar work was their strongest suit." -progarchives.com
67. Låt: Go To California
Skiva: Phanerothyme
Årtal: 2001
68. Låt: Tristano
Skiva: In the Fishtank
Årtal: 2003
Kommentar: Motorpsycho collab med Jaga Jazzist. Psychedelia möter jazzrock. Grymt bra platta! Bombay Brassière, Pills, Powders and Passion Plays och Theme De Yoyo är superba! Även 20 minutaren Tristano bör lånas ett öra till...
"Skivan är 46 minuter lång, fördelat på fem låtar. Varje låt kan karakteriseras som ett jam med mer eller mindre struktur, antingen följer blåset upp rockens vindlingar eller tvärtom. Instrumenten liknar penslar som förs över en tom kanvas. Enkla idéer målas upp och blandas med intrikata mönster. Ibland märks de enskilda penseldragen men oftast framstår målningen som en enhet." -dagensskiva.com
69. Låt: L.T.E.C.
Skiva: Black Hole / Blank Canvas
Årtal: 2006
Kommentar: Ännu en fantastisk platta med Motorpsycho. No Evil, In Our Tree, Kill Devil Hills, Critical Mass, The 29th Bulletin, Hyena, Sail On, L.T.E.C., You Lose, Before The Flood. Det finns inte ett enda dåligt spår här!
70. Låt: Stained Glass
Skiva: Roadwork Vol. 3: The Four Norsemen of the Apocalypse - Live at The Paradiso, Amsterdam, November 23, 2002
Årtal: 2018
71. Låt: Gullible's Travails Pt I-IV
Skiva: Heavy Metal Fruit
Årtal: 2010
Kommentar: Yees, kaneesh sicken jäkla platta! Psych, prog, metal, flum, jazzrock i en härlig mix. De tre öppningslåtarna (Starhammer (feat. The Electric Psalmon), X-3 (Knuckleheads in Space) / The Getaway Special, The Bomb-Proof Roll and Beyond) hade varit gott nog, men plattan är rakt igenom superb. Deras bästa hittills? Mästerverk!
72. Låt: The Bomb - Proof Roll & Beyond
Skiva: Roadwork Vol. 4: Intrepid Skronk (live 2008-2010)
Årtal: 2011
Kommentar: Roadwork vol 4 släpptes före vol 3, vilket är logiskt eftersom den är inspelad senare. Plattan börjar med den en lång, drömsk version av The Bomb - Proof Roll & Beyond. Grymt bra! Motorpsycho är som bäst när de blandar prog/psych/jazzrock med långa jams. Precis så låter hela plattan!
73. Låt: Before the Flood
Skiva: Black Hole / Blank Canvas
Årtal: 2006
"Add heavy melody, little bit of alternative rock and some Bigelf flavours and even with that, you won't get the sound of Motorpsycho, because it's frankly undefinable. But this description is likely to explain it to you. Do you believe that speed kills ? Because in this case, this album is real killer. You'll not have rest for while it'll last. Most prominent here is probably its very special, dense atmosphere, that can, however, leave some people breathless (good side), or choking from it (bad side)." -Marty Mcfly
74. Låt: Wishing Well
Skiva: Roadwork Vol. 4: Intrepid Skronk (live 2008-2010)
Årtal: 2011
75. Låt: Ratcatcher
Skiva: Still Life With Eggplant
Årtal: 2013
Kommentar: Episkt jäkla låt. Vad sägs om 17 minuter geni?
76. Låt: Cloudwalker (A Darker Blue)
Skiva: Behind the Sun
Årtal: 2014
""Behind The Sun" is packed in a powerful, organic and warm sound production, which suits the music perfectly. "Behind The Sun" are among the most consistently great albums yet by Motorpsycho. There are zero filler material and no sections or tracks that don´t feel like they belong."-UMUR
77. Låt: Spin, Spin, Spin
Skiva: Here Be Monsters
Årtal: 2016
78. Låt: Bartok Of The Universe
Skiva: The Tower
Årtal: 2017
Kommentar: "We don't see any point in repeating ourselves." -Loudersound.com
79. Låt: The Transmutation of Cosmoctopus Lurker
Skiva: Kingdom of Oblivion
Årtal: 2021
80. Låt: The Ladder
Skiva: Ancient Astronauts
Årtal: 2022
81. Låt: Patterns
Skiva: Yay!
Årtal: 2023
82. Låt: Go Around Once
Skiva: The Light Fantastic
Årtal: 2006
83. Låt: Eagle's Son
Skiva: The Light Fantastic
Årtal: 2006
84. Låt: Granny Takes a Trip
Skiva: The California EP
Årtal: 2017
85. Låt: Rockbottom (Ufo)
Skiva: Rockbottom singel
Årtal: 2023
86. Låt: Black to Comm
Skiva: Go To California-singeln
Årtal: 2002
87. Låt: Satan (Namdalen)
Skiva: Begynnelser
Årtal: 2017
Kommentar: Soundtrack till en pjäs med samma namn. Jag räknar inte denna som ett album med Motorpsycho
88. Låt: Un Chien D'espace
Skiva: Angels and Daemons at Play
Årtal: 1997
Kommentar: Nästan 14 minuter geni-låt. Lyssna genast!
"This song seemingly tackles the methods of deception those who manipulate others use to get victims to follow their demands, as well as diverting attention..." -songmeanings.com
"This finds the band at their most focused with only two songs clocking it at longer than six minutes. One of these is the incredible 14-minute "Un Chien d'espace", which showcases the formula that will define most of their epics: slow burning prog rock, sandwiching a King Crimson-inspired jam."
- A-ron Whitasticallmusic.com
89. Låt: The Golden Core
Skiva: Timothy's Monster
Årtal: 1994
Album Ranking:
The Crucible-2019
Roadwork Vol. 5: Field Notes - The Fantastic Expedition of Järmyr, Ryan, Sæther & Lo Live in Europe 2017
Heavy Metal Fruit-2010
Ancient Astronauts-2022
Behind the Sun-2014
The All Is One-2020
Roadwork Vol. 4: Intrepid Skronk (live 2008-2010)
In the Fishtank-2003
Little Lucid Moments-2008
The Death Defying Unicorn-2012
Still Life With Eggplant-2013
The Tower-2017
Trust Us -1998
Black Hole / Blank Canvas-2006
Roadwork Vol. 1: Heavy Metall Iz a Poze, Hardt Rock Iz a Laifschteil, Live in Europe 1998
Angels and Daemons at Play-1997
Demon Box-1993
Roadwork Vol. 2: The MotorSourceMassacre
Roadwork Vol. 3: The Four Norsemen of the Apocalypse - Live at The Paradiso, Amsterdam, November 23, 2002
Kingdom of Oblivion-2021
It's a Love Cult-2002
Here Be Monsters-2016
Let Them Eat Cake-2000
Timothy's Monster-1994
En konsert for folk flest-2015