Musica Obscura Palmarium #11
En ny del med obskyr heavy psych/hårdrock? Sablar så fräsigt! Som vanligt gäller det att hålla i sidfläsket när du spelar listan annars kommer den att rinna ner i dränaget med övriga delar av kroppen när den smälts av fantastisk musik. Face melting! Mind Boggling!
Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7E7bcmm8PaAUQvPYuWVrFZ?si=osQ6ZDfVQNGpOUflzA8kFA
1. Jerusalem-Hooded Eagle

Brittiska Jerusalem producerades av Ian Gillan från Deep Purple. Plattan är som mycket annat på denna lista en holy grail bland skivsamlare. Gitarristen Bob Cook härskar. Texter om mord, ruttnande kroppar och liemannen. Tidiga vibbar av stoner kan höras. Albumet släpptes 1972 på Deram-labeln. TUNG platta!
"Gillian's "production" job is distant and raw, doing no favors to the band's somewhat shambling, garagey musicianship." -bpnicast
2. Pete Brown & Piblokto!-Aeroplane Head Woman

Engelskt igen, denna gång från Pete Brown & Piblokto. Plattan är en mix av progressiv rock med inslag av blues/jazz och psych. Jim Mullen dominerar på gura. Inledande Aeroplane Head Woman är en av de rockigare låtarna och passar således alldeles utmärkt i denna lista. Pete Brown skrev texterna till Cream.
3. Tiger B. Smith-To Hell

Tysk proto metal/heavy psych/hårdrock-lirande powertrio från 1972. Black Sabbath, Hendrix, Edgar Broughton Band, Buffalo och Hawkwind i en smältdegel. Släpptes på Vertigo. 9 minuter av superb gitarr-mammojam, ständigt på gränsen till att trilla av på fel sida av vägen. Uppstod ur askorna av ett annat bra band, Second Life.
""To Hell" opens with a prominent wah-wah guitar lead/rhythm anchored by a one-fingered fuzz-bass throttling against a pounding drum pattern akin to like Joy Division attempting a blaxploitation version of "Dead Souls" as a three-piece. It would be a total late night, car cruising instrumental if not for the overdubbed spoken proclamation that is all but rendered incoherent via Dierks' echoed treatment that fans the words out into a quick, slapback rippling effect. But it's an odyssey nevertheless -- continuing as Meinhardt's lumbering bass lines and Traut's drum patterns keep the background taut for Holger Schmidt as he blasts off with further wah-wah extrapolations, whammy bar vibrato and just generally letting loose with a continuing series of punk freak outs. At one point it drops off to near-silence but for over-amplified bass flatulence notes and now-thinned out drums, but the Tiger guys become uncaged once more as they start to fall behind a riff Schmidt has just hung some wah-wah upon on, and they're already off at top speed. The bass latticework increases, as does Traut the Kraut's doubling up on the double bass drums until it sounds once more like an instrumental Joy Division track, only this time at the speed of the 90 degree incline of "Insight." It soon blows apart with repeated tom-tom rolls although it doesn't mean anything to Schmidt, who continues on and trails beyond his two comrades into a slowly crumbling silence." -headheritage.co.uk
While not 24 carat knock-out stuff, Wildmarken's heavy rock is well made with decent vocals and plenty of biting guitars, sometimes even with growling wah-wah. Only two ballads interrupt the heavy flow ("Guld" and "En längtans dag", the latter with a dash of Blue Öyster Cult) but it's tracks like "Gitarr och dragharmonika", "Långt bort från stan" and "Som en extra dag" that define the album. An LP ripe for discovery for those into the heavier side of progg." .swedishprogg.blogspot.com4. Blue Mountain Eagle-Love Is Here

Fuzzig, psykedelisk hårdrock från 1970. Dewey Martin (Buffalo Springfield) försökte turnera under namnet The New Buffalo Springfield, men blev stämd av Stephen Stills och Neil Young. Han ändrade då namnet till Blue Mountain Eagle. Konstanta bandmedlemsbyten och taskig tajming gjorde att de fastnade i förbandsträsket. De försökte sig på att göra en version av Stephen Stills-Marianne, men det gick åt skogen och de bröt upp i september 1970.
"Throughout, the drumming is expectedly relentless, also a product of the times, as were the fuzz and fuzzy guitar licks and soaring vocals that often seemed dead set on peeling the posters off your dorm room walls with their country rock chuncka-chuncka (or is that choogling) licks."-streetmouse

5. Macabre-Be Forewarned
While not 24 carat knock-out stuff, Wildmarken's heavy rock is well made with decent vocals and plenty of biting guitars, sometimes even with growling wah-wah. Only two ballads interrupt the heavy flow ("Guld" and "En längtans dag", the latter with a dash of Blue Öyster Cult) but it's tracks like "Gitarr och dragharmonika", "Långt bort från stan" and "Som en extra dag" that define the album. An LP ripe for discovery for those into the heavier side of progg." .swedishprogg.blogspot.com
Pentagram innan de var Pentagram. Monster Magnet har gjort en fantastisk version av denna grymma låt. Även b-sidan (Lazy Lady) av singeln är superb. TIDIG, tidig stoner! Bobby Liebling kunde redan 1972!
"This here single should be made illegal because it is so KILLER! As soon as that churning riff kicks in you just know "Be Forewarned" is the sound of a genre at it's very peak. So intense and ominous... it's an obvious precursor to doom metal atmospherically speaking." -hoursemouth
While not 24 carat knock-out stuff, Wildmarken's heavy rock is well made with decent vocals and plenty of biting guitars, sometimes even with growling wah-wah. Only two ballads interrupt the heavy flow ("Guld" and "En längtans dag", the latter with a dash of Blue Öyster Cult) but it's tracks like "Gitarr och dragharmonika", "Långt bort från stan" and "Som en extra dag" that define the album. An LP ripe for discovery for those into the heavier side of progg." .swedishprogg.blogspot.com
6. Glass Sun-Silence of the Morning
Amerikansk heavy psych släppt 1971.
"Glass Sun was an obscure but great band from Ypsilanti, MI. This single is surely one of the best in the US panorama of the early seventies. Garagey but very solid US heavy psych, in the vein of Stone Garden and Morgen." -roquecolor

7. Stone Garden-Oceans Inside Me
En av många bra låtar som Brown Acid plockat upp på sina briljanta comps. Kolla in dem!

8. Tyrann-Face The Tyrant
Tyrann släppte en av årets bästa låtar 2023 i Face The Tyrant. Det skriker 80-tal och egentligen ska väl inte låten få plats här, men det skiter jag i. Vi lever och dör för hårdrocksmusiken!9. McChurch Soundroom-What Are You Doin'

Doom med tvärflöjt och orgel? Yes. Hårdare än margarin!
While not 24 carat knock-out stuff, Wildmarken's heavy rock is well made with decent vocals and plenty of biting guitars, sometimes even with growling wah-wah. Only two ballads interrupt the heavy flow ("Guld" and "En längtans dag", the latter with a dash of Blue Öyster Cult) but it's tracks like "Gitarr och dragharmonika", "Långt bort från stan" and "Som en extra dag" that define the album. An LP ripe for discovery for those into the heavier side of progg." .swedishprogg.blogspot.com10. JPT Scare Band-Sleeping Sickness

Bluesig, mästerligt gitarrdriven rock från JPT Scare Band. Helt bisarrt att detta är inspelat på 70-talet. Låter helt nutida! Plattan där Sleeping Sickness är med på är jams inspelade live 1974 i Kansas City på Stone House. Earthless fast för 50 år sedan! 15 minuter av ansiktssmältning. Varsågod!
"manic riffing, intense jamming, and acidified blues" -Classic rock magazine
"JPT Scare Band traffic in epic guitar-led passages that would scare off turst-fund hippies faster than you can say, 'There's ham in the vegan pad thai." -theobelisk.net
Wildmarken-Vad vill dom

"For example, why do people fork out tons of cash for crap like Epizootic, Shaggy and Asoka when they ignore albums like "Wildmarken" that has just about all the features that make collectors go bonkers?