Nytt med denna generations bästa hårdrocksröst?


Dino har bland annat lirat med Whitesnake, George Lynch (Dokken, Lynch Mob) och Michael Romeo från Symphony X. Finns det någon hårdrockssångare just nu som sjunger bättre?

The Resonance Project feat. Dino Jelusick - End Of Time. 

THE RESONANCE PROJECT is a new progressive rock duo from Los Angeles consisting of Yas NOMURA and Lang ZHAO. They released their first record in 2019 and their music can be recommended to fans of guitar oriented fusion as well as heavier progressive metal with orchestral passages. -Progarchives 

Michael Romeo feat Dino Jelusick-Destroyer

Michael James Romeo (born March 6, 1968) is an American guitarist and a founding member of the progressive metal group Symphony X. -Wikipedia 

Dirty Shirley är projektet med George Lynch (Dokken, Lynch Mob).

"Track was made by Vivien Lalu, an incredible composer and keyboardist from France. I sang this right outta my head with lyrics written in 5 min, since its a jam! Enjoy!" Dino