Soundgarden var ett amerikanskt rockband från Seattle. De var en av pionjärerna inom det som skulle komma att kallas för grunge. De bildades redan 1984. Namnet har de tagit från en konstinstallation i Seattle som heter A Sound Garden. De släppte sin första platta Ultramega OK redan 1988 och totalt blev det 6 plattor, 8 EP:s, 34 singlar plus ett gäng liveplattor.
Max tre låtar per album.
Minst en låt per album.
Ordning=Väl vald, men som vanligt EJ rangordnad.
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2kqk1P3Q8sHnoxdcOKtpPp?si=0079af8406e44cb4
1. Låt: Spoonman
Skiva: Superunknown
Årtal: 1994
"Spoonman" was inspired by a man named Artis, who made a name for himself as a street performer in Seattle. His instrument of choice were always spoons, so he was given the name "Artis the Spoonman." According to his website, he started performing in 1972, and eventually shared a stage with Frank Zappa and Aerosmith, in addition to Soundgarden.
"My mom bought me a pair of musical spoons when I was 10... I had a collection of records that I played along with on my bongos and spoons and I'd sing along, too. She never told me to turn it down or turn off the music," Atis recalled to Maximum Ink in 2019. "I've always wanted to be a rocker... Imagine yourself as a 12-year-old, and instead of being something like what your father was, you said: poet or musician. Who is going to accept that? I just wanted to be a rock star, and who would have thought of that?" -loudwire.com
The lyrics can be interpreted many ways, and Bible scholars will find parallels to a verse in the Book of Revelation: "When the thousand years come to an end, Satan will be let out of his prison."" -songfacts.com2. Låt: Pretty Noose
Skiva: Down on the Upside
Årtal: 1996
Kommentar: Pretty Noose, Zero Chance, Blow Up the Outside World, Burden in My Hand, Rhinosaur, Dusty, Never Named, Applebite, Never The Machine Forever, Tighter & Tighter, Overfloater och No Attention gör Down on the Upside till Soundgardens allra jämnaste platta och kanske även den bästa?
3. Låt: Room A Thousand Years Wide
Skiva: Badmotorfinger
Årtal: 1991
"A track from Soundgarden's breakthrough album Badmotorfinger, this one has music written by their drummer at the time, Matt Cameron, and lyrics by their guitarist Kim Thayil. It's one of the few songs by the band that lead singer Chris Cornell had no part in composing.
The lyrics can be interpreted many ways, and Bible scholars will find parallels to a verse in the Book of Revelation: "When the thousand years come to an end, Satan will be let out of his prison."" -songfacts.com
4. Låt: Hands All Over
Skiva: Louder Than Love
Årtal: 1989
Kort efter att Louder Than Love hade släppts lämnade Hiro Yamamoto Soundgarden för att fortsätta sina studier. Han ersattes av Jason Everman (Nirvana) och gästade bland annat på videon till Louder Than Love, men ersattes sedan av Ben Sheperd.
"This is an environmental song written by guitarist Kim Thayil (music) and lead singer Chris Cornell (lyric). It's about the abuse of mother nature (blanketing the ocean with oil, the clear cutting of old growth forests). Then the lyrics go on to say, "Put your hands away, your gonna kill your mother," meaning the Earth." -songfacts.com
5. Låt: Fell On Black Days
Skiva: Superunknown
Årtal: 1994
Kommentar: Jösses. My Wave, Fell On Black Days, Mailman, Superunknown, Head Down, Black Hole Sun, Spoonman, Limo Wreck, The Day I Tried To Live, 4th of July och Like Suicide. Det känns orättvist att plocka bort nån låt här...
6. Låt: Burden in My Hand
Skiva: Down on the Upside
Årtal: 1996 Kommentar:
"Soundgarden's 'Burden In My Hand' is a song that delves into the themes of guilt, regret, and the struggle with one's inner demons. The lyrics, penned by the late Chris Cornell, are often interpreted as a metaphorical exploration of these heavy emotions. The desert imagery suggests a barren, desolate state of mind, a place where one is confronted with their own thoughts and feelings without distraction. The repeated act of 'shooting my love' could symbolize self-sabotage in a relationship or the figurative killing of a part of oneself.
The chorus, with its plea for sympathy and the acknowledgment of fear and love, suggests a cry for understanding and help. The song's protagonist seems to be grappling with the consequences of their actions, seeking solace but also recognizing the self-destructive patterns ('kill your health and kill yourself'). The burden in the protagonist's hand could represent the weight of their actions, a constant reminder of what they have done, akin to an 'anchor on my heart' or a 'tumor in my head.'
Musically, Soundgarden is known for their grunge style, characterized by heavy guitar riffs and raw, emotional vocals. 'Burden In My Hand' is no exception, with its haunting melody and Cornell's powerful voice conveying the pain and complexity of the lyrics. The song's somber tone complements the introspective nature of the lyrics, creating a poignant and affecting listening experience that resonates with themes of personal anguish and the quest for redemption." -lyricslayers.com
"Follow me into the desert / As thirsty as you are / Crack a smile and cut your mouth / And drown in alcohol" -Burden in my hand
7. Låt: Black Hole Sun
Skiva: Superunknown
Årtal: 1994
"I wrote it in my head driving home from Bear Creek Studio in Woodinville, a 35–40 minute drive from Seattle. It sparked from something a news anchor said on TV and I heard wrong. I heard 'blah blah blah black hole sun blah blah blah'. I thought that would make an amazing song title, but what would it sound like? It all came together, pretty much the whole arrangement including the guitar solo that's played beneath the riff. I spent a lot of time spinning those melodies in my head so I wouldn't forget them. I got home and whistled it into a Dictaphone. The next day I brought it into the real world, assigning a couple of key changes in the verse to make the melodies more interesting. Then I wrote the lyrics and that was similar, a stream of consciousness based on the feeling I got from the chorus and title." -Chris Cornell
"I think for the rest of my entire life until I draw my last breath, I'll never ever forget how I felt when they started playing that song. From the very first few notes, I felt like I'd been hit by a thunderbolt. I was just absolutely stunned. What in the world is this? I get goosebumps thinking about it now." -Michael Beinhorn
8. Låt: Bones of Birds
Skiva: King Animal
Årtal: 2012
Kommentar: Det är lätt att avfärda King Animal som en tafatt återkomstskiva, men faktum är att jag blir fint överraskad när den snurrar igen. Been Away Too Long, Non-State Actor, By Crooked Steps, A Thousand Days Before, Blood on the Valley Floor, Bones of Birds är kanon, men även andra halvan av plattan är super!
9. Låt: New Damage
Skiva: Badmotorfinger
Årtal: 1991
"As Soundgarden were heavily influenced by the Beatles, guitarist Kim Thayil once made a sarcastic comparison that Badmotorfinger was the "heavy metal White Album." His reasoning for the comment was due to the heavy psychedelic components featured throughout the album.
"There's the same trippiness and quirkiness that was on the first couple of records. There's the heavy grind of Louder [Than Love]. It's 12 different ways of approaching the idea of heaviness," the guitarist enthused to Kerrang! "There are a lot more noises, that's the only way I can put it. Noises! That's a lot cooler than reverb. Little squawks, feedbacks, little unplanned performance things that just kinda happen when you turn up loud and play it on 11!" -Loudwire.com
10. Låt: Black Rain
Skiva: Telephantasm
Årtal: 2010
"The lyrics are deeply personal, with Cornell drawing parallels between the stormy weather outside and the turmoil brewing within. He reflects on past experiences, relationships, and the emotional baggage that comes with them.
Throughout the song, Cornell's voice is a masterclass in expression, conveying the anguish and desperation that comes from feeling trapped and helpless. The chorus is particularly striking, as he cries out "Can't you see I'm drowning?" – a plea for understanding and rescue from the crushing weight of his own emotions.
The music itself is equally impressive, with Soundgarden's distinctive blend of grunge and heavy metal influences creating a sonic landscape that's both dark and mesmerizing. The guitar work is particularly noteworthy, with Kim Thayil's intricate playing adding depth and texture to the song's overall sound." -lyricalinsight.io
11. Låt: Hunted Down
Skiva: Screaming Life/Fopp
Årtal: 1987
"Soundgarden's 'Hunted Down' is a gripping narrative that delves into themes of pursuit, fear, and transformation. The song paints a vivid picture of someone being relentlessly chased, with imagery of dogs leading the hunt and the protagonist bleeding as they flee. This chase is not just physical but also metaphorical, representing the inescapable pressures and threats that one might face in life. The urgency and desperation in the lyrics are palpable, creating a sense of imminent danger and the need for survival.
The lyrics also explore the psychological impact of being hunted. The protagonist's 'narrow escape' has left them changed, wiping the smile from their face and leaving them with a 'permanent disguise.' This suggests a loss of innocence or a forced adaptation to harsh realities. The mirror scene, where the protagonist smiles despite their tears, highlights a complex emotional state—one where outward appearances mask inner turmoil. This duality speaks to the human experience of hiding true feelings behind a facade, a common theme in grunge music, which often addresses emotional and existential struggles.
Soundgarden, known for their heavy, distorted guitar riffs and Chris Cornell's powerful vocals, uses 'Hunted Down' to create a dark, intense atmosphere. The repetitive lines 'run to hunt you down' emphasize the relentless nature of the pursuit, making the listener feel the constant pressure and fear. The song's structure, with its driving rhythm and haunting melody, mirrors the relentless chase described in the lyrics, making it a compelling piece that resonates on both a musical and emotional level." -lyricslayers.com
12. Låt: Outshined
Skiva: Badmotorfinger
Årtal: 1991
Grungen exploderade 91/92.Badmotorfinger satte Soundgarden på kartan som ett av de ledande grungebanden. Plattan är fullkomligt proppad med bra låtar. Rusty Cage(som Johnny Cash coverade), Outshined, Slaves & Bulldozers. Jesus Christ Pose, Searching With My Good Eye Closed, Room A Thousand Years Wide, Mind Riot. Holy Water, New Damage m.m.
"The line, "I am looking California but feeling Minnesota" became one of the most memorable Soundgarden lyrics. Chris Cornell came up with that line when he was in a dour mood and looked at himself in the mirror. He was wearing his typical outfit of baggy shorts and a T-shirt (high fashion in the '90s), and realized that he looked like a carefree beachgoer, even though he didn't feel like one." -songfacts.com
13. Låt: Beyond the Wheel
Skiva: Ultramega OK
Årtal: 1988
Kommentar: Soundgarden slog inte igenom förrän Nirvana och Pearl Jam äntrade scenen på 90-talet, men debuten Ultramega OK gjorde intryck direkt. Den belönades med en Grammy-nominering för Best Metal Performance 1990.
14. Låt: Loud Love
Skiva: Louder Than Love
Årtal: 1989
När Soundgarden signade för A&M records till andra plattan Louder Than Love svek den "gamla" publiken (som för det mesta kom från punken) eftersom de tyckte att Soundgarden hade sålt ut sig.
"In the beginning, our fans came from the punk rock crowd. They abandoned us when they thought we had sold out the punk tenets, getting on a major label and touring with Guns N' Roses. There were fashion issues and social issues, and people thought we no longer belonged to their scene, to their particular sub-culture." -Kim Thayil
"Soundgarden's 'Loud Love' is a powerful anthem that captures the essence of rebellion and the desire for self-expression. The song's lyrics convey a sense of urgency and a need to break free from silence and conformity. The opening lines, 'There's no time to keep it low / I've been deaf, now I want noise,' set the tone for the entire song, emphasizing the protagonist's awakening and newfound desire to make their voice heard. This can be seen as a metaphor for breaking free from societal constraints and embracing one's true self.
The repeated refrain of 'Loud love' serves as both a rallying cry and a declaration of intent. It suggests that love, in its most passionate and unrestrained form, is a force that cannot be silenced. The lyrics, 'You stay down, but I won't be quiet / I'll hammer on until you fight,' further reinforce this idea, highlighting the determination to stand up and be counted, even in the face of opposition. This can be interpreted as a call to action, urging listeners to embrace their inner strength and fight for what they believe in.
The song also touches on the theme of resistance, with lines like 'Slow resistance wins the war / Well, I know, but that's no way to go.' Here, the lyrics suggest that while patience and perseverance are important, there are times when a more immediate and forceful approach is necessary. The desire for something to 'explode' reflects a longing for change and a rejection of complacency. Overall, 'Loud Love' is a celebration of the power of love, noise, and rebellion, encapsulating the spirit of the grunge movement and Soundgarden's distinctive sound." -lyricslayers.com
15. Låt: Birth Ritual
Skiva: Singles: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
Årtal: 1992
"Singles is the soundtrack album of the 1992 film Singles, released on June 30, 1992, almost three months before the film. It is primarily focused on the ascendant Seattle grunge scene of the early 1990s, but also features contributions from past Seattle artists Jimi Hendrix and The Lovemongers (Heart's Ann and Nancy Wilson, the latter of whom was the wife of the film's director Cameron Crowe at the time), Chicago's The Smashing Pumpkins, and the first solo material from Minneapolis' Paul Westerberg after the breakup of The Replacements." -wiki
16. Låt: Flower
Skiva: Ultramega OK
Årtal: 1988
"The song is about a beautiful young girl who suddenly finds herself old and gray. Chris Cornell uses "vain" and "veins" to imply that vanity and drug abuse led to her demise, as at the end of the song the flowers hit her grave." -songfacts.com
17. Låt: Blow Up the Outside World
Skiva: Down on the Upside
Årtal: 1996
""If you could blow something up on the outside world, what would it be?" Chris replied with: stupid people, mini malls, racists, and hardcore religious rights people." -songfacts.com
18. Låt: Non-State Actor
Skiva: King Animal
Årtal: 2012
"Originally, the band had agreed simply to relearn the old songs and play some gigs, but after they finished a lone new song, "Black Rain," for A&M's Telephantasm retrospective, it was obvious that the chemistry was still there. As guitarist Kim Thayil told Guitar World: "If you get the four of us in a room together, we're not just going to whip out "Outshined." We're more inclined to plug in and start pulling out some new riffs."" -udiscovermusic.com
19. Låt: Incessant Mace
Skiva: Ultramega OK
Årtal: 1988
Kommentar: Flower, All Your Lies, Beyond the Wheel, Mood for Trouble, Smokestack Lightning, Incessant Mace och Nazi Driver, är kanon. Finns några kalkonlåtar också där Soundgarden försöker sig på hardcore och humor. Överlag en finfin debut.
"KCMU-FM DJ Jonathan Poneman was impressed after seeing Soundgarden perform one night, later saying, "I saw this band that was everything rock music should be." Poneman offered to fund a release by the band, so Thayil told him to team up with Bruce Pavitt. Despite being good friends with Thayil, Pavitt was not impressed by Soundgarden, but agreed since Poneman offered to contribute $20,000 in funding for Sub Pop. The band signed to Sub Pop, releasing the Screaming Life EP in 1987, and the Fopp EP in 1988. A combination of the two was issued as Screaming Life/Fopp in 1990." -sprit-of-metal.com
20. Låt: Uncovered
Skiva: Louder Than Love
Årtal: 1989
Louder Than Love är ingen klockren skiva rakt igenom, men det finns ett gäng riktiga brottarhits på plattan. Inledande trion av låtar med Ugly Truth, Hands All Over och Gun lovar gott. Sen dippar plattan något, men i och med Loud Love tar plattan ett skutt upp i kvalité igen. Låna gärna ett öra till I Awake och Uncovered också!
Undvik: Full on Kevin's Mom och Big Dumb Sex
21. Låt: Entering
Skiva: Screaming Life/Fopp EP
Årtal: 1987
Kommentar: Soundgarden släppte 1987 sin allra första EP Screaming Life och det är en fin liten EP. Som öppning bjuds vi på den episka Hunted Down och fortsätter med Entering som även den är riktigt bra! Lyssna även till Nothing to Say och Hand of God.
"Soundgarden was formed in 1984 by Chris Cornell (drums & vocals) and Hiro Yamamoto (bass), and was later joined by Kim Thayil (guitar). Thayil had moved to Seattle from Park Forest, Illinois with Yamamoto and Bruce Pavitt, who would later start Sub Pop Records. The band named themselves after a wind-channeling pipe sculpture, "The Sound Garden," located in Magnuson Park, Seattle. Cornell originally played drums while singing, but the band enlisted Scott Sundquist to allow Cornell to concentrate on vocals. The band's first recordings were three songs that appeared on a compilation for C/Z Records called Deep Six. It also featured songs by fellow grunge pioneers Green River, Skin Yard, Malfunkshun, The U-Men and Melvins. In 1986 Sundquist left the band, to be replaced by Matt Cameron, who was the drummer in Skin Yard." -sprit-of-metal.com
22. Låt: A Thousand Days Before
Skiva: King Animal
Årtal: 2012
23. Låt: Nothing to Say
Skiva: Screaming Life/Fopp
Årtal: 1987
Kommentar: På denna dubbel-ep bjuds vi även på Sub Pop Rock City. Fopp-ep:n är inte mycket att hänga i julgranen. Soundgarden gör Swallow my Pride som är en Green River-cover.
24. Låt: Cold Bitch
Skiva: Outshined" single B-side
Årtal: 1991
25. Låt: Kristi
Skiva: Echo of Miles: Scattered Tracks Across the Path
Årtal: 2014 (1995)
Kommentar: Previously unreleased
26. Låt: Live to Rise
Skiva: Avengers soundtrack
Årtal: 2012
27. Låt: Fresh Deadly Roses
Skiva: Echo of Miles: Scattered Tracks Across the Path
Årtal: 2014
Kommentar: Massor av bra låtar från diverse album/ep:s/singlar genom Soundgardens karriär. Lyssna till Heretic, Fresh Deadly Roses, Cold Bitch, Birth Ritual, Live to Rise, Kristi, Black Days III, Rhinosaur plus ett gäng coola covers av bland andra Stooges och The Doors.
28. Låt: Heretic
Skiva: Echo of Miles: Scattered Tracks Across the Path
Årtal: 2014
29. Låt: Waiting for the Sun (Live)
Skiva: Live on I-5 Soundcheck
Årtal: 2011
30. Låt: Search and Destroy
Skiva: Live on I-5
Årtal: 2011
31. Låt: Blind Dogs
Skiva: Live From The Artists Den
Årtal: 2019
32. Låt: Slaves & Bulldozers
Skiva: Live From The Artists Den
Årtal: 2019
1. Superunknown
2. Badmotorfinger
3. Down on the Upside
4. Screaming Life
5. Louder Than Love
6. King Animal
7. Ultramega OK
#soundgarden #bestof #chriscornell #mattcameron #Kimthayil #HiroYamamoto #Bensheperd #jasoneverman #blackholesun #badmotorfinger #superunknown #restinpeace