Best of Spidergawd
Max tre låtar per album.
Minst en låt per album.
Låtordning=Noga genomtänkt, men ej rangordnad.
Spotifylista: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4Hcl8SuQAmHXzv12pn9f8k?si=da7ee58c2cf04707
Kommentarer: Norska Spidergawd tog mig med storm när jag såg dem live på Sweden Rock Festival. Fantastisk energi, stämsång, musicerande i världsklass och med en suverän setlist och spelglädje kunde publiken inte värja sig för norrmännen. Lägg till att flera i bandet turas om att köra leadsång live och samtliga sjunger kanonbra. Just ja. Jag glömde berätta om blåset. De har saxofon och annat blås på många låtar och det svänger nåt kopiöst!
Det bästa med Spidergawd är dock de små smarta finessarna bandet lägger in i sina låtar. Det går aldrig att förutspå hur låtarna kommer att utvecklas eftersom de har ett sådant eget sätt att skriva låtar. Frasering, låtstruktur m.m. står ut i jämförelse med andra liknande band. Sa jag att de har världens bästa trummis?
1. Låt: Sands of Time
Skiva: VII
Årtal: 2023
"Ever since the band found its true north in the wake of Spidergawd III and started recording twin guitars on Spidergawd IV, the goal has been to search for good songs more than anything else.
The band are more confident than ever that they have found THE recipe for what Spidergawd is all about. This is a band that consists of 5 members that are full time musicians who between them playall kinds of genres. But the essenceof what the band should be can now be found on the last 4 albums (including no.VII)
Although the new songs might be catchier/poppier thanever, the sound of the new album is easily traceable back to Spidergawd IV and V.
Album no VI was an inspiring and interesting trip into how "direct" and tidy their sound could be. In the schooling of bands like Thin Lizzy and 80's pop-heavy.
The new album is significantly muddier, messier and bigger. -Everything that takes the listener closer to what's going down on stage in a live Spidergawd performance. Tracks like Sands of time, The Tower, Your Heritage or Dinosaur should prove that the band is on fire like ever before.
Like all the albums before this one, this new one is the band's favourite album so far." -propermusic.com
2. Låt: At Rainbows End
Skiva: VI
Årtal: 2021
Kommentar: Som vanligt låter det mycket som Thin Lizzy, men här har vi några spår (Narcissus' Eye, Yours Truly )där band som Iron Maiden och Judas Priest hörs som tydliga influenser.
"It is not only the recording-debut for guitar-wiz Brynjar Takle Ohr, the new addition to the band's line-up, but also features local rock-legend Torstein Flakne of Stage Dolls on backing vocals." -stickmanrecords.com
3. Låt: All and Everything
Skiva: V
Årtal: 2019
Kommentar: All and Everything, Twentyfourseven, Ritual Supernatural, Knights of C.G.R. m.fl. är bra låtar.
4. Låt: Is This Love..?
Skiva: IV
Årtal: 2017
Kommentar: "The album kicks off with 'Is This Love…?', which is a barn-burner about unrequited love that is guaranteed to put a smile on your face. Sure, if you want to be picky you could argue that all the tricks to hook you in have been done before by musicians from David Lee Roth to The Darkness, but that would be missing the point." -echoesanddust.com
5. Låt: Afterburner
Skiva: VII
Årtal: 2023
Kommentar: Spidergawd blir bara bättre för varje platta. Den sjunde i ordningen är beviset på det.Sands Of Time, The Tower, Your Heritage, Afterburner, Dinosaur, Bored to Death, Anchor Song och avslutande ...and nothing but the truth är alla fantastiska. Det känns direkt ovärdigt att välja bort någon av Sands Of Time, The Tower, Your Heritage, Afterburner och ...and nothing but the truth.
6. Låt: Into The Deep Serene
Skiva: VI
Årtal: 2021
Kommentar: Det kryllar av bra låtar här. Into The Deep Serene, At Rainbows End, Oceanchild, Prototype Design, Yours Truly, Narcissus' Eye och Morning Star.
7. Låt: Knights of CGR
Skiva: V
Årtal: 2019
8. Låt: Blauer Jubel
Skiva: Spidergawd I
Årtal: 2014
Kommentar: "It got me when I was six!" he exclaims. "It was Dio, Iron Maiden, W.A.S.P., Manowar, Accept. I grew up on a small farm [in Norway] and my mother had a much younger brother," he continues. "He had money to buy new albums, which I copied on to cassettes. The first album I bought myself, aged ten, was Houses Of The Holy. And I stole some albums from my neighbour's mother, by Jimi Hendrix and The Who. I got my first guitar then as well, so that's what I was listening to." -Per Borten
9. Låt: Our Time (Slight Return)
Skiva: II
Årtal: 2015
10. Låt: The Tower
Skiva: VII
Årtal: 2023
11. Låt: Lighthouse, Pt. 2
Skiva: III
Årtal: 2016
Kommentar: Härligt saxspelande på denna!
12. Låt: Lighthouse, Pt. 3
Skiva: III
Årtal: 2016
Kommentar: Soundet hade inte riktigt hittat rätt ännu. Jag saknar de quirkiga melodierna som skulle komma på senare plattor.
"Oh yes, right. That song, I had the ideas together, but I really worked that out with Kenneth, our drummer. That song is even more true to the SPIDERGAWD live act than the other songs on that album. It's more SPIDERGAWD than anything else I've ever done!" -Per Borten
13. Låt: What You Have Become
Skiva: IV
Årtal: 2017
Kommentar: Bättre låtar här.Is This Love..?, LouCille, What You Have Become, What Must Come to Pass och Stranglehold är bra låtar!
14. Låt: Ritual Supernatural
Skiva: V
Årtal: 2019
Kommentar: "Supergruppen Spidergawd kom till ur en delad kärlek för äkta rock'n'roll. För tio år sedan slog ett gäng norska musikveteraner sina påsar ihop. Luttrade musiker med bakgrund i bland annat Motorpsycho förenades och började utarbeta sin egen variant av ökenrock.
Hyllningarna lät inte vänta på sig. Det har hunnit bli sex album av gitarrdriven rock, understödd av trummor, bas och barytonsax, som rört sig sömlöst mellan blues, psykedelia, stonerrock, garagerock och klassisk heavy metal. Allt med en otvungen känsla för groove, soul och harmonier." -valand.se
15. Låt: Morning Star
Skiva: VI
Årtal: 2021
"The five of us don't share as many musical references as you might think. This is not a problem, this is a good thing. At its worst it sometimes is a challenge, but no more than that.
Brynjar brings the AOR-music to the table. Given options in the process of writing a song together, he will always cheer for the one that sounds the most like Journey, Toto or Boston." -Per Borten
16. Låt: Get Physical
Skiva: II
Årtal: 2015
"If these were the international championships of originality, Norwegian rockers Spidergawd probably wouldn't make the shortlist. But luckily the band makes up for that with an impressive level of energy and euphony on their sophomore album, "Spidergawd II"." -rockfreaks.net
17. Låt: Master of Disguise
Skiva: Spidergawd I
Årtal: 2014
"It's hard not to love the elegant balance of psychedelic rock and 70s blues-rock that Spidergawd control so eminent." -gaffa
18. Låt: Fixing to Die Blues
Skiva: II
Årtal: 2015
"I did a track review a little bit ago for the song "Tourniquet". It Rules. Go listen to that. For the life of me I have no idea why this band´s name isn´t on the lips of every boogie-loving heavy rocker in the Universe!" -theobelisk
19. Låt: El Corazon Del Sol
Skiva: III
Årtal: 2016
"Revving up their guitars like the proverbial bat from hell, Spidergawd are a beast of a band who peddle their down and dirty progressive boogie with no qualms whatsoever. Suffused with the very essence of rock and roll along with the requisite narcotics and more than a hint of gasoline, they betray a time when rock stars roamed the earth like kings and a simple riff was all it took to make people fall at their knees and worship at their altar." -echosanddust.com
20. Låt: The Inevitable
Skiva: IV
Årtal: 2017
21. Låt: Into Tomorrow
Skiva: Spidergawd I
Årtal: 2014
Kommentar: "The perfect ticket to escape the darkness surrounding us..." -@user-yg7el2hj8j
22. Låt: Sanctuary 2019
Skiva: Sanctuary 2019
Årtal: 2020
23. Låt: White Heat, Red Hot
Skiva: Sands of Time -singel
Årtal: 2023
24. Låt: Your Heritage
Skiva: VII
Årtal: 2023
Kommentar: "The whole new album is an authentic jewel . One of the best albums I've listened in decades." -@michealbenanti2665