The Doors bästa låtar -studio och live!


Max tre låtar per album.
Minst en låt per album.
Ordning=Noga genomtänkt, men ej rangordnad.

1. Låt: Ghost Song
An American Prayer
Årtal: 1978

Ghost Song är makalöst bra! Svårt att välja låtar från denna An American Prayer då det är spoken word blandat med gammal, go The Doors. Som platta är den dock underbar. Psykedelisk, flummig, varm och underbar.

"Morrison often told a story about a drive with his parents into the desert when he was a child. The family encountered a horrible vehicle crash. Morrison said the road was littered with seriously injured and dead Indians that had been thrown from both pickup trucks. He told his parents he wanted to do something to help these poor souls but they said the Indians were beyond saving. The tragedy had a profound impact on young Jim. He said he could see the souls of two of the victims dancing angrily on the highway. Suddenly Morrison said these souls "leaped into my soul and they're still there.""

"Excellent poetry. Well read. With sublime musical backing from the three surviving Doors. As far as Spoken Word goes, it doesn't get much better than this." -drifterdk

Morrison writes of many different topics, often including lyrics from previously written and released songs. He covers broad topics, some of which dabbling into themes of sexuality, his childhood, and frequently death, a topic that Morrison was ironically very interested in.
Multiple songs on this album transition into songs already written and released by The Doors. This essence throughout the album gives it a more familiar feeling to first listeners of this odd creation of Mr. Mojo Risin'." -bugnus 

2. Låt: Roadhouse Blues
Morrison Hotel
Årtal: 1970

Hela A-sidan med Roadhouse Blues, Waiting for the Sun, You Make Me Real, Peace Frog, Blue Sunday och Ship of Fools är kanon. B-sidan med Land-Ho, The Spy, Queen of the Highway, Indian Summer, Maggie M'Gill Allt är typ bra! 

"If there was an actual roadhouse that inspired this song, it was probably the Topanga Corral, a windowless nightclub in the counterculture enclave of the Topanga Canyon, where Jim Morrison lived. To get to the venue you had to take Topanga Canyon Boulevard, which is full of twists and turns - you really did need to "keep your eyes on the road, your hand upon the wheel.""

3. Låt: Touch Me
The Soft Parade
Årtal: 1969

Tell All the People, Touch Me, Shaman's Blues, Wishful Sinful, Wild Child, The Soft Parade är bra/kanon. Bespottad av de flesta som den sämsta doorsplattan med Jim Morrison. Jag håller inte med. 

Touch Me sägs vara inspirerad av en tv-reklam för tvättmedlet Ajax. Såväl text som de avslutande ackorden i reklamen ska enligt utsago lånats till Touch Me. Texten ändrades från C'mon hit me, I'm Not afraid till "Touch Me" av Jim. Robby Krieger bråkade med sin dåvarande flickvän och Jim tyckte Robbys text behövde justering. Jag håller med.

4. Låt: Riders on the Storm
L.A. Woman
Årtal: 1971

Ännu en monsterplatta. The Changeling, Love Her Madly, Been Down So Long, L.A. Woman, Hyacinth House, Crawling King Snake och Riders on the Storm är kanonlåtar. 

Riders on the Storm var den sista låten som Jim Morrison spelade in innan han åkte till Frankrike. Några veckor senare var han död. 

"This evolved out of a jam session when the band was messing around with "Ghost Riders In the Sky," a 1948 cowboy song by Stan Jones that was later recorded by Johnny Cash, Bing Crosby and many others. It was Jim Morrison's idea to alter the title to "Riders On The Storm.""

5. Låt: Break On Through (To the Other Side)
The Doors
Årtal: 1967

Break On Through (To the Other Side), Soul Kitchen, The Crystal Ship, Light My Fire, End of the Night, Take it as it Comes är bra låtar.

"Morrison took the band's name from Aldous Huxley's book on mescaline, The Doors of Perception, which in turn referred to a line in a poem by William Blake."

"I AUGUSTI 1966 SKREV BANDET KONTRAKT med just Elektra och i slutet av samma månad gick Doors in i studion, tillsammans med skivproducenten Paul A Rothchild, och på blott sex dagar spelade de in första albumet "The Doors". Och de två första singlarna, den kommersiella floppen "Break on through (to the other side)" och det magnifika genombrottet "Light my fire". På albumet, som släpptes innan singlarna, var "Light my fire" en över sju minuter lång låt, med långa orgel- och gitarrsolon, men på singeln trycktes allt ihop till en hitlåt under tre minuter. Komprimerad dynamit!"

6. Låt: An American Prayer
An American Prayer
Årtal: 1978

"Jim Morrison takes the listeners through a spiritual, thoughtful, brutally honest, and journey of psychedelia. If you open your mind to the words of the late poet, a full listen through of this album will guarantee to leave some thoughts and considerations resonating throughout your head.

7. Låt: Maggie M'Gill
Morrison Hotel
Årtal: 1970

8. Låt: When The Music's Over
Strange Days
Årtal: 1967

Ständig livefavorit hos the Doors. Sällan under 10-15 minuter lång.

"According to Ray Manzarek, his opening organ section was inspired by the Herbie Hancock jazz classic "Watermelon Man."

Persian night, babeSee the light, babeSave usJesusSave us!

9. Låt: L.A. Woman
L.A. Woman
Årtal: 1971

Svårt, för att inte säga omöjligt att skilja de tre bästa plattorna L.A. Woman, Morrison Hotell och The Doors åt. Dagsformen avgör vilken av de tre som är den bästa plattan.

"Mr. Mojo Risin'" is an anagram for "Jim Morrison." He repeats the phrase at the end of the song faster and faster to simulate orgasm."

10. Låt: Hello, I Love You
Waiting for the Sun
Årtal: 1968

Ännu ett kanonalbum med ett gäng bra låtar. Hello, I Love You, Summer's Almost Gone, Not to Touch the Earth, Love Street, The Unknown Soldier, Yes, the River Knows, We Could Be So Good Together, Five to One, Spanish Caravan.

"The funniest thing was when my publisher came to me on tour and said The Doors had used the riff for 'All Day And All Of The Night' for 'Hello, I Love You.' I said rather than sue them, can't we just get them to own up? My publisher said, 'They have, that's why we should sue them!' (laughs) Jim Morrison admitted it, which to me was the most important thing. The most important thing, actually, is to take (the idea) somewhere else." -Ray Davies, The Kinks.

"Doors lead singer Jim Morrison wrote this song in 1965 after seeing a beautiful woman walking on the beach. He wrote these lyrics in this notebook:"

Sidewalk crouches at her feet
Like a dog that begs for something sweet

11. Låt: The Crystal Ship
The Doors 
Årtal: 1967

Debutplattan med The Doors släpptes den 4/1, 1967. Jim Morrison och Ray Manzaraks mål med bandet var att göra rock n roll med en mera "artistisk edge". De prövade diverse olika musiker, bl.a. Rays bror på munspel, men landade till slut i John Densmore på trummor och Robbie Krieger som gitarrist. 

"It was the dark-edged eroticism of Morrison's baritone and pseudo-poetic lyrics, however, that set the Los Angeles-based quartet apart from the prevailing hippie utopianism that pervaded West Coast rock in the late 1960s."

12. Låt: You're Lost Little Girl
Strange Days
Årtal: 1967
Kommentar: People are Strange, Love Me Two Times, My Eyes Have Seen You, When The Music's Over, Strange Days, You're Lost Little Girl är finfina låtar.

"Few would have believed that, at the time, the Doors half seriously pondered whether no less a crooner than Frank Sinatra might deign to cover You're Lost Little Girl. The tough and tender melody seemed to make it a perfect vehicle for Ol' Blue Eyes. John Densmore thought it would have made a great serenade to his waifish wife, Mia Farrow."

13. Låt: Shaman's Blues
The Soft Parade
Årtal: 1969

14. Låt: The Spy
Morrison Hotel
Årtal: 1970

15. Låt: My Eyes Have Seen You
Strange Days
Årtal: 1967

En av de första låtarna som Ray Manzarek skrev till The Doors. Den skrevs i hans föräldrars garage 1965.

16. Låt: Love Street
Waiting for the Sun
Årtal: 1968

"This song is about the street in Laurel Canyon, California where Jim Morrison lived with his girlfriend, Pamela Courson. The address was 1812 Rothdell Trail, but they called it "Love Street" because they could sit on the balcony and watch the hippies go by."

17. Låt: Love Her Madly
L.A. Woman
Årtal: 1971

"Doors guitarist Robby Krieger wrote this song on a Gibson 335 acoustic 12-string guitar that he had recently purchased. The lyric is about the numerous times his girlfriend, Lynn, threatened to leave him. "Every time we had an argument, she used to get pissed off and go out the door, and she'd slam the door so loud the house would shake," Krieger said."

18. Låt: Ships w/ Sails
Other Voices
Årtal: 1971
Kommentar: Skivan spelades in juni-augusti(1971) före och efter Jim Morrison tragiska bortgång. Jim befann sig i Paris när plattan började att spelas in och tanken var att spela in albumet klart så fort Jim kom tillbaka från Frankrike, men det blev såklart inte så eftersom Jim avled i juli samma år. En del bra låtar i In the Eye of the Sun, Ships w/ Sails, Wandering Musician, Hang On to Your Lifeoch Down on the Farm. Självklart saknas Jim Morrisons sång och låtskrivartalang stort här, men sången sköts ändå rätt ok av Manzarek och Krieger. Jag är inte helt överens med soundet på plattan heller, men helt ok ändå med några gobitar som följd.

"The other members have showcased their abilities across various tracks and releases, demonstrating they are talented musicians in their own rights. However, it becomes evident with this album that Jim Morrison was a pivotal force for the band; his absence leaves the vocals and lyricism feeling distinctly average. The competent musicianship of the band does little to fill the void left by Morrison. It might be a clichéd standpoint, but The Doors, without Morrison's charismatic presence, lose a significant part of their essence. The keyboard and guitar work, while proficient, cannot compensate for the lack of Morrison's captivating lyrics and vocal delivery, resulting in an overall average experience." -gentlemancritic

19. Låt: Verdilac
Full Circle
Årtal: 1972

Plattan börjar direkt bedrövligt med två försök till musik i Get Up and Dance och 4 Billion Souls. Lyckligtvis är försöket till att låta Zappa i Verdilac mera lyckosamt. The Mosquito är kanon om man skippar det sagolikt, värdelösa latindoftande introt på dryga minuten. Jösses. Lyssna även till The Piano Bird. I övrigt är Full Circle tämligen kass.

"The album starts with the disgustingly sappy "Get Up & Dance," which makes Steve Miller's "Swingtown" sound like fucking Metallica. I'm pretty sure the whole title of that cut is "Get Up & Dance (On Jim Morrison's Still-Warm Grave)" but that wouldn't fit in the liner." -AlanRanta

20. Låt: Curses, Invocations
An American Prayer
Årtal: 1978

21. Låt: In the Eye of the Sun
Other Voices
Årtal: 1971

22. Låt: Spanish Caravan
Waiting for the Sun
Årtal: 1968

23. Låt: The Soft Parade
The Soft Parade
Årtal: 1969

"There's no meaning, no structure, no theme, just cobras on my left and leopards on my right and deer women in silk dresses and hunters in green vests who wrestled lions in the night and whatever other random crap happened to pop into James' head while he was tripping. The imagery isn't striking or memorable, and the whole thing ends with the ludicrous announcement that "When all else fails/We can whip the horse's eyes/And make them sleep/And cry." Stupid. But at least it brings an end to Jim's idiotic ramblings."

24. Låt: The End
The Doors 
Årtal: 1967 

Bandet var en djärv återspegling av vad motkulturen gjorde på 60-talet. Droger flödade och Morrison var djävulen bland änglarna, känd för att ha orsakat uppståndelse och kaos i varenda stad de giggade i. Jim Morrison var den "spruckna rockstjärnan". Han såg sig aldrig som en musiker utan kallade sig hellre för poet. Jim fick stora problem med alkohol och det resulterade bland annat att han blev gripen efter ett gig i Florida under tidigt 70-tal. Jim flyttade till Paris med sin flickvän efter inspelningen av LA Woman. Bandet väntade på att Jim skulle återvända till USA, men det slutade istället med att Jim dog i badkaret av en hjärtattack. Här finns det massvis av påstådda historier om att han ska ha blivit mördad m.m. Det lär vi aldrig få veta. 

"They started the Summer Of Love a pop phenomenon and ended it in whirlwind of booze, LSD and out-of-control hedonism. Yet in between, The Doors still managed to make their unsung masterpiece..."

"It's easy to dismiss Morrison as a horny sixth-form poet with the top button of his leather trousers accidentally left unpopped, and because The End is essentially free-form, refined into copyright over a series of jams, it doesn't all read that well on the page. He reaches the bottom of his pencil case when he suggests we "ride the snake to the lake" and declares that "the West is the best." But this song, this track, this Freudian trip, this outpouring of childhood angst brought on by a rich diet of reading, defines the Doors." -circle of life

Bonus live & bootleg:

Det finns så jäkla mycket bra livegrejer med The Doors trots att de inte fanns speciellt många år. Därför bjuder jag här på en massa goa livegrejer. Även bootlegsen låter riktigt gött.

25. Låt: Roadhouse Blues 
Live in Seattle 1970
Årtal: 1970 släppt 2023 (bootleg)

Överraskande bra ljud på denna bootleg med The Doors från Seattle, 1970. Roadhouse Blues, Back Door Man, When The Music's Over (inkl 8 minuters mikrofonfeedbackssolo av Jim), Mystery Train Crossroads (Kraut galore!), Five to One och Break on Through är alla framförda här i kanonversioner. Högsta rekommendationer!

26. Låt: Back Door Man 
Live in Seattle 1970 
Årtal: 1970 släppt 2023 (bootleg) 

Willie Dixon/Howlin Wolf cover.

27. Låt: Mystery Train/Crossroads 
Live in Seattle 1970 
Årtal: 1970 släppt 2023 (bootleg) 

Mystery Train skrevs av Junior Parker 1953. 

28. Låt: When The Music's Over 
Absolutely Live 
Årtal: 1970 
When The Music's Over är som vanligt bra, även om Jim Morrison som vanligt ska grymta och gnälla på publiken i några minuter. Grymt medley dessutom där framför allt Five to One står ut. Övriga bitar som bör lånas ett öra till är Universal Mind, Break On Thru, #2, The Celebration of the Lizard och Soul Kitchen. 

29. Låt: Five to One 
Absolutely Live 
Årtal: 1970 

"-One night in the studio, Jim got Densmore to play a basic, primitive 4/4 beat—tribal, mindless rock—and began chanting, "Five to one, baby, one in five—no one here gets out alive."

-Later Densmore asked Jim what five to one meant. "John, that's for me to know," Jim said, as he closed the bathroom door, "and for you to find out."

At any rate, Densmore then turned to their producer Paul Rothchild, with the same question. Rothchild (stoned to the gills on high-test monkey grass from Thailand) came up with some hokey assumption that it was a possible forecast of what the ratio of young to old would be in America by 1975 (you'll have to appreciate this conversation taking place in 1968). Jim never told anyone. In truth, Morrison took the actual meaning of that haunting lyric to his grave." -Jim Morrison: Life, Death, Legend"; by Stephen Davis

30/31. Låt: Dead Cats, Dead Rats/Break on Through #2 live
Absolutely Live 
Årtal: 1970 

32. Låt: Light My Fire 
Live In Detroit 1970  
Årtal: 1970   

33. Låt: Soul Kitchen 
Live At The Aquarius Theatre 1969: The First Performance 
Årtal: 1969 

Soul Kitchen, Mystery Train / Crossroads, Back Door Man, Build Me a Woman, Who Do You Love, Light My Fire, Celebration Of The Lizard. Kanonspelning!

34. Låt: Mystery Train / Crossroads
Skiva: Live At The Aquarius Theatre 1969: The First Performance 
Årtal: 1969 

35. Låt: Who Do You Love 
Live At The Aquarius Theatre 1969: The First Performance 
Årtal: 1969 

36. Låt: When The Music's Over
Live In Detroit 1970
Årtal: 1970

I vanlig ordning fullkomligt fantastiskt när det kommer till The Doors live. Break On Through (To The Other Side), Back Door Man, Five To One, Roadhouse Blues, When The Music's Over (17 minuter!), Light My Fire (19 minuter!), The End (17 minuter!). 

37. Låt: Gloria  
Live At The Aquarius Theatre 1969: The Second Performance 
Årtal: 1969 

Fantastisk livespelning återigen. Klassikerna är återigen helt fantastiska och de längre versionerna är verkligen värda att höra. Extra kul med Gloria (Them) och Little Red Rooster (Howlin Wolf), Touch Me, The Crystal Ship och Rock Me Baby.

38. Låt: Little Red Rooster 
Live At The Aquarius Theatre 1969: The Second Performance 
Årtal: 1969 

39. Låt: Touch Me 
Live At The Aquarius Theatre 1969: The Second Performance 
Årtal: 1969 

40. Låt: Peace Frog 
The Doors – Live In New York, Felt Forum, January 17 1970 (First Show)
Årtal: 1970  

Little Red Rooster, Ship of Fools samt Peace Frog, Blue Sunday (båda ännu ej släppta) samt klassikerna är alla superba här. Svårt att välja några spår bara. Suveränt ljud också i vanlig ordning. 

41. Låt: Blue Sunday 
The Doors – Live In New York, Felt Forum, January 17 1970 (First Show)
Årtal: 1970   

42. Låt: Back Door Man 
The Doors – Live In New York, Felt Forum, January 17 1970 (Second Show)
Årtal: 1970  

Roadhouse Blues rockar stjärt. Crawling King Snake är kul att höra i live-format. Vi bjuds också på en 9-minutersversion av Who Do You Love. I vanlig ordning är When The Music's Over (Jim Morrison skäller ut publiken), Light My Fire (lång, härlig version) kanon. Back Door Man och Five To One tycker jag sticker ut ur mängden. The End (19 minuter) avslutar kvällen (Jim skriker -Bring out the dead!)

43. Låt: Five To One 
The Doors – Live In New York, Felt Forum, January 17 1970 (Second Show) 
Årtal: 1970  

44. Låt: Roadhouse Blues 
The Doors – Live In New York, Felt Forum, January 17 1970 (Second Show) 
Årtal: 1970  

45. Låt: Universal Mind 
The Doors – Live In New York, Felt Forum, Jan. 18, 1970, First Show 
Årtal: 1970 

46. Låt: Maggie M'Gill 
The Doors – Live In New York, Felt Forum, Jan. 18, 1970, Second Show  
Årtal: 1970 

47. Låt: Paris Blues

"An original blues song written by the band; the track was recorded during one of the band's recording sessions for either The Soft Parade or L.A. Woman (no one seems to remember). The master tape of the song was lost and the only surviving copy was given to Doors' keyboardist Ray Manzarek."

"Sadly, this copy was partially damaged by his son Pablo (a toddler at the time), who recorded over a few short parts," it explains. "Now, through some creative editing, the song has been rescued from obscurity for the new album."

Jag valde att inte ta med Liveskivorna Back in Town och Matrix eftersom jag tyckte att ljudet var för trist. Kolla upp om ni måste. De finns båda på spotify.


1. Morrison Hotel 
2. The Doors
3. L.A. Woman  
4. An American Prayer  
5. Strange Days  
6. The Soft Parade 
7. Waiting for the Sun 
8. Other Voices  
9. Full Circle 


Absolutely Live
The Doors – Live In New York, Felt Forum 
Live At The Aquarius Theatre 1969 
Live in Seattle 1970 

Dokumentär om Jim Morrison: