The Smiths Best of
The Smiths bästa låtar enligt Krull.
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Låt: You've Got Everything Now
Skiva: The Smiths
Årtal: 1984
Kommentar: Redan på debuten vimlar det av bra låtar. "Reel around the fountain", "Hand in glove", "Still ill", "What difference does it make?", "I don't owe you anything", "Suffer little children, för att nämna några.
"You've Got Everything Now" tycks i.m.o. handla om två bröder där den ene brodern(Morrisey) gått från topp till botten och avundsjukan till sin bror som gjort motsatt resa visar sig i lyriken t.ex. vid:
"I've seen you smile
But I've never really heard you laugh
So who is rich and who is poor?
I cannot say...oh
You are your mother's only son
And you're a desperate one"
Låt: This Charming Man
Skiva: The Smiths
Årtal: 1984
Kommentar: "a male protagonist, who has punctured his bicycle tire on a desolate hillside, is approached by a "charming man" in a "charming car." After a brief hesitation, the protagonist climbs into the car with the man, who flirts with his passenger and invites him out later that evening. The protagonist rejects the man's offer, because he hasn't "got a stitch to wear."" -Songfacts.com
Skiva: The Smiths
Årtal: 1984